Tax claim against Enger Mehl waived – Latest news – news

26 October 2022 at 15:16 VG: Tax claim against Enger Mehl waived Minister of Justice and Emergency Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) has had her tax claim waived, writes VG. – I have received a letter from the Norwegian Tax Agency stating that they have dropped the control case. They assume that I met conditions regarding commuter status, says Enger Mehl to the newspaper on Wednesday. The tax authority decided on Wednesday that 38 politicians have paid too little tax. The Minister of Justice is therefore not among them. – I myself contacted the Tax Administration about my commuting situation even before they opened the inspection. After the notice of tax claim came earlier this year, I was keen to provide all the information they asked for. I am now happy that everything is correct and to put the case behind me, says Enger Mehl to VG.
