Tarjei Bø crushed his little brother – was the best in the season opener – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

12 November 2022 at 13:16 Krüger surprised with a new move: – The world has turned upside down – It was a lot of fun. It’s been a while since I’ve won a classic ski race. Even if it doesn’t mean all the world, it’s good to get some security at the distance I’ve probably struggled with the most. That means a little, says Simen Hegstad Krüger to news. The 29-year-old was best in tough conditions in Muonio, where Pål Golberg and Martin Løwstrøm Nyenget followed closest – 7.8 and 12.1 seconds behind – in the 10 kilometer classic. Krüger joked about the effect of the nose strip he tested during the race: – It’s the first time. I’ve been sleeping on it for a bit, so maybe I’ll have to continue with it and that’s the trick to going fast in classic. Cross-country coach Eirik Myhr Nossum let himself be excited by Krüger’s performance: – It’s absolutely incredible. The world has been turned upside down. The last time he went classically in Finland, he was probably seventy-something. It is a good percentage improvement in terms of position, smiles national team coach Eirik Myhr Nossum. Overall, it was a strong Norwegian team effort with Didrik Tønseth (+12.1) and Daniel Stock (+21.1) just outside the podium. The Norwegians’ biggest challenger in distance running, Iivo Niskanen, came sixth. But Nossum does not read too much from the results list. – I think we should have a stomach for everything. There are very big differences in skiing, also internally today. Emil Iversen and Sjur Røthe were also among the top ten in Finland, just 26 and 27 seconds behind the winner.
