Tank truck with propane overturned – police warn to stay away – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

A tanker with almost 26 tonnes of propane has overturned on an industrial area in Jessheim on Thursday evening. – The trailer on the car is now standing and tilting, after the driver had backed out of a gravel kerb. operations manager Terje Marstad at the East police district tells news. The police in Øst have therefore cordoned off an area of ​​300 meters around the tanker. – As of now, it doesn’t look very serious, but we don’t know what happens next, says Marstad. The police make ongoing assessments with people with gas and propane expertise. Photo: Morten Karlsen / news At the time of writing, the police assume that there is no leak on the tank itself, but on the distribution pipe under the trailer. The police are now making ongoing assessments together with people with propane and gas expertise on site. – When the pipes are under the tank, we can start approaching again, says the operations manager. The police see no reason for evacuation yet, but they ask the emergency services to try to visit the scene. No private residences or other industry are within the safety distance set by the police. The tow trucks are now in place and waiting to be let in.
