– Tampering with football’s soul and essence – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– VAR takes away so much of football and the experience of football’s emotions, says Wikestad. There were big discussions in the news studio when several football figures discussed video refereeing, which has been strongly criticized by many for a number of years. Wikestad pulled out a clip from the football World Cup in 1986 when Diego Maradona scored what is referred to as “the goal of the century”. It was a crazy solo raid as the Argentine dribbled through most of the England team, as well as the goalkeeper. He shows the clip and firmly believes that VAR would have canceled the goal due to a possible foul before the solo raid. – We would have stood and watched three minutes with a referee with his finger in his ear if we had VAR at the time. We had been robbed at the moment, the whole football world, says the commentator. The debate was given new life when Denmark pulled out of the EC as a result of marginal decisions that were picked up by VAR. Top judge understands frustration Top judge Rohit Saggi was one of the participants during the news debate and he is in favor of the tool. He admits that he understands that viewers get frustrated when VAR takes a long time. – Time consumption, I understand, frustrates. Soccer is a tactical sport. I understand that it arouses emotions when a slow sport becomes slower, says Saggi. See the full debate here: DEBATE: Several football profiles appeared for the VAR debate. Erlend Mørch describes VAR as grief. – It is because something I have liked very much has been destroyed. That it roars in the blood and can release all inhibitions is the reason why it is gone, says Mørch. He believes that especially people who do not watch every single football match, but who watch one every now and then, lose out by having video refereeing in football. – Scrap the whole thing, obviously. It is Norway’s only chance to put itself on the map in international football, to show the way internationally, says Mørch. Leif Welhaven, commentator in VG, believes that the opponents of VAR are struggling to come up with alternatives other than VAR. He is clear that the judges need help. – It was far too easy to cheat and trick the judges. And then the judges needed help, says Welhaven. VAR supporter: VG commentator Leif Welhaven has long expressed that he is in favor of video refereeing. Photo: news Strong reactions He gets a clear answer Wikestad. – VAR in its current form cannot work on any set. We have tried for many years with many cameras. The better VAR works, the worse the experience for those watching football, says the commentator. Scores and waiting make him react. – We tamper with the entire soul and essence of football. We have judges who stick to the ear that they have no idea what it is, Wikestad grumbled. Among other things, he believes that rule changes are not being worked on to improve football, but to improve VAR instead. – We were promised that the errors would disappear. But now the VAR supporters say that you cannot get rid of all mistakes, says the Viaplay commentator. He is supported by news’s ​​football expert and Iceland’s national team manager Åge Hareide. – You really tamper with the whole feeling and essence of the game. Football is made up of mistakes. For many years coaches and players and referees have made mistakes. Even very big mistakes, which become iconic moments, like Maradona’s hands. Then we suddenly have to make football perfect, says Hareide. AGAINST VAR: Åge Hareide is stunned that football will suddenly become perfect. Photo: news Denmark match aroused anger Many have been critical of VAR and for many it boiled over when Denmark quit the EC after two marginal decisions that went in favor of Germany. news asked readers for their opinion on VAR. There were almost 4,000 posts about the much-discussed tool. news’s ​​expert Bengt Eriksen saw red after the two VAR checks that proved fatal for Denmark. – It has gone too far for a long time. Simply because the main goal of VAR is that everything should be perfect and that there should be no coincidences and that everything should be fair. If that was the main point of football, it would never have started. If you are going to have a millimeter of justice in the world, then you have to find an arena other than a football arena and a football match, commented the football expert. Published 01.07.2024, at 21.23 Updated 01.07.2024, at 21.28
