Taking off as a slimming method on social media – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I want to share both the ups and downs by using this medication for weight loss, says Celina Stamper. The 27-year-old has been taking the diabetes drug Ozempic since July this year, even though she does not have diabetes. She has had problems with obesity for several years. Stamper has tried diets that have resulted in quick weight loss and just as quick weight gain again, as a result of her suffering from overeating and sugar addiction. – There is no quick fix. I had to make several rounds with my doctor to find out what was best for me. Then the doctor recommended Ozempic. The drug Ozempic is intended for diabetics. But research has also shown that you get less appetite when taking the medicine that comes in injection form. This syringe containing Ozempic injects Celina Stamper into the abdomen, thigh or forearm. Photo: private As a result of increased demand and insufficient supply, the Norwegian Medicines Agency recently reported a shortage of the medicine. – There will be new deliveries to Norway, but unfortunately this will not be enough to cover the need. The shortage situation applies to several countries in Europe, says senior physician Ingrid Aas. Paying yourself Sales of Ozempic 1 mg have doubled three to four times from April 2021 to October this year. According to Aas, an average of 31,000 such packs have been sold per month in the past six months. Most people who use the medicine are diabetics who get it on a blue prescription. But more than 20 per cent of sales in pharmacies are by white prescription. This means that the patient pays for the treatment themselves. – It is reasonable to believe that these are patients who are prescribed the medicine as a slimming medicine, says Aas. TV 2 and Aftenposten have also written about the medicine shortage. Sharing the process on TikTok The drug has been rampant on social media lately. On TikTok, Stamper shares openly about the weight reduction. She has received an overwhelming response. – It is especially girls like me who thank me for sharing the process. It is clear that this is very taboo. When I started the medicine I wish there was more information out there, so I now want to share so that others can benefit from it. This video was shared by Stamper on TikTok on November 22. Engagement is also high on Facebook. A group has been created with nearly 1,300 members who share photos and results of the slimming method. But many also report negative side effects. Stamper has also experienced that. – It is important to mention that this is not a simple process. I have had a lot of nausea, tremors, poor appetite and weight loss. The latter two are the side effects you want. Want diabetics to be prioritized The Diabetes Association has so far received no feedback that diabetics have problems getting hold of the medicine. – It is very important for the Diabetes Association that this does not become a long-term shortage situation. In that case, it will mean that many people with type 2 diabetes do not get the best treatment for their blood sugar, says communications manager Silje Herbro Landsverk. Being overweight can trigger type 2 diabetes. The Diabetes Association therefore believes that it is positive that more people manage to lose weight with the use of Ozempic. – But Ozempic is a medicine that is indicated for diabetes – not for obesity – and therefore the Diabetes Association believes that people with diabetes must be prioritized, says Landsverk – In a shortage situation such as we are now, it is very important that doctors do not prescribe Ozempic to people who do not have diabetes type 2. There are other medicines that doctors actually have guidelines to prescribe for obesity and we believe that doctors should prescribe these instead. – Not an easy solution The Norwegian Medicines Agency expects a new supply of the medicine during the spring of 2023. They do not consider the situation to be critical for diabetics who cannot get hold of the medicine. – There are other blood sugar-lowering drugs that diabetics can use, says Aas. She warns against using the medication as a slimming method. – We see that this gets a lot of attention from celebrities and it may appear to be an easy solution, but it is not. Vitusapotek and Apotek 1 both have the medicine in several places in Norway. But both pharmacy chains report that the wholesaler is empty. Celina Stamper’s goal is to reduce her weight to cover a breast reduction, and because she is predisposed to diabetes type 2. She is now considering switching to a new medicine that is on the way to being approved in Norway. – It is primarily important that those who must have Ozempic have access to it. I have no intention of depriving anyone of that medicine, but I will continue to share the journey with people on social media.
