Take the quiz – what do you know about superstitions, myths and animals? – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

In the very old days, it was the natural religions that ruled in our country, so-called animism. They tried to provide answers to various questions about life and death here on earth. This was before Christianity was introduced, and at this time it was believed that animals and other natural elements had souls. Like, for example, that the ancestors lived on in a tree or in a rock. Much of the religion was also linked to various animals. And although it has been a very long time since this belief was valid in Norway, there are still some of the myths that remain. Because you may know what happens if a black cat crosses the road in front of you? Kjetil Bevanger is an author and senior researcher. He has had an interest in animals all his life, and has recently written a book about animals and myths. The expert believes that an animist lives in all of us. And there is one thing in particular he is reluctant to do. – Taking the life of a spider is far from over. I prefer not to do that, he says. And why does the researcher find this difficult? If you are unsure of the answer – take the test! 1/10 Question 1 Hubro is our largest and heaviest owl. The body length is 60–75 centimeters and the wingspan from 155 to 185 centimeters. Photo: Trond Berg / news Owls are supposed to be wise animals, but what is it said that a hubbro can foretell? It portends future wealth It portends death It portends storms 2/10 Question 2 Black cats have been strongly linked to superstition and mythology. Photo: Roland Schgaguler / Scanpix If a black cat crosses the road in front of you, what does it mean? Accident Luck That you will be hit 3/10 Question 3 Arachnophobia is the fear or dread of spiders. Only a few of the species, and none of the Norwegian ones, are so poisonous that they pose a danger to humans. Photo: MARTIN FØNNEBØ In the past, killing a spider meant the following: Your house would be invaded by insects Personal misfortune for seven years Your pets suffered 4/10 Question 4 The lamb has played a significant role in religious symbolism. It is one of the most important animals in the sacrificial cult. Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news The lamb is known from Christianity, but what does it symbolize? Fragility and gentleness Love Piety and goodness 5/10 Question 5 Could it be the horns and beard that have made the goat less popular than the sheep in certain historical contexts? Photo: Hakallegarden If we stick to the Bible, the goat has not got as good a reputation as the sheep. But in some cultures the goat is a sign of this: Virility Luck Power 6/10 Question 6 In the Nordic countries, it is estimated that the horse was adopted as a domestic animal around 1500–1200 BCE. Photo: Nikolai Akse Helgås / news The horse has been both important and controversial throughout the history of religion. What did it mean if a horse suddenly stopped in the middle of the road? It could be a warning of race danger. Then there were goblins and trolls nearby. It could be a sign of uninvited guests. 7/10 Question 7 In the old cultures, both ravens, crows and magpies were godbirds, but later they have gained a reputation for be created by the devil. Photo: news What characteristics did the crow have? It warned of illness It warned of death and misfortune It warned people of dangerous predators 8/10 Question 8 In fairy tales, the wolf is often portrayed as a cunning and somewhat greedy creature. Photo: Tordis Gauteplass / Tordis Gauteplass According to folk belief, wolf howling was a warning of the following: Weather change Full moon Mating time 9/10 Question 9 Which came first, the hen or the egg? Photo: Heidi Ditlefsen / news What did it mean if the hen laid eggs with a large yolk? It could mean that a great accident would befall The woman in the house would become pregnant That one had a good year ahead 10/10 Question 10 In India, among other places, the cow is a sacred animal. Photo: Hallgeir B. Skjelstad It is said that if the cow licked the wall or in its stall, the following weather would be in store: Rain Sunshine Hail Your result You must answer all the questions first.
