Tag: Expression
The man no one can ignore anymore – Expression
“Like going to bed with Hillary Clinton and waking up with Donald Trump.” The words belong to the former social democratic party leader Mona Sahlin, and this is how the…
The rag doll on the dance floor – Expression
It’s the last day of godfather week. I’m looking forward to enjoying the last evening out on the town with the sponsor gang, before I start the last semester of…
This is just the beginning – Expression
It often begins in the delivery room. The first scream. The first splash. The first food. What is so small is at the same time so infinitely large. At the…
“Ways of Seeing” is unpleasant but fascinating – Expression
With its original and provocative moves, the most talked about Norwegian theater production in recent times could lead to an interesting debate about surveillance, about power and powerlessness, about networks,…
will have its own council for freedom of expression – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio
A separate freedom of expression council should be established in Norway. It is one of several recommendations in a report from the Freedom of Expression Commission, which was presented on…
Of course, physical activity is medicine – Expression
Sebastian Kvarme in Volvat claims on news Ytring that in Dagsrevyen 24.7 I cast doubt on the effect of physical activity as a treatment method. “Alarming and outdated”, writes Kvarme.…
Now it must be the boys’ turn – Expression
New figures from Samordna Opptak show that more than twice as many women as men have entered the so-called “prestige studies”, such as medicine and law. At the law faculty…
Time for a boost – Expression
I’m not usually in Kvinner og Klær’s target group, but this summer they published an article that struck a chord with me. There, an anonymous single mother said that she…
Give babies solid food – Expression
Let us first state what we all agree on: Breast milk is best for the baby in the first place. There is no doubt that breast milk protects against infections,…
No dark time in the north – Expression
If we are to believe Statistics Norway’s latest population statistics, Nordland comes out worst in the counties, where the population is expected to decline by almost 2 per cent until…