Sylvi Listhaug says Tonje Brenna should consider her position – Latest news – news

20 June 2023 at 11:04 Sylvi Listhaug says Tonje Brenna should consider her position FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug believes Brenna should consider her position. – The press conference does not contribute to dampening the seriousness of the case. It is incredible to hear that she has been disqualified for more than a year and a half, says Frp leader Sylvi Listhaug to news. – Mistakes can be made, but she receives a warning from Frode Elgesem on 3 March, which she fails to follow up. Then it appears as if she does not understand what the rules of competence consist of or why it is important to follow them. It’s unbelievable that she hasn’t woken up before, Listhaug continues.
