Swedish Nord Stream investigation closed – Latest news – news

7 February 2024 at 10:00 Swedish Nord Stream investigation closed The investigation into the Nord Stream sabotage is closed, the Swedish public prosecutor’s office writes in a press release. This is reported by several Swedish media, including SVT. For just over 16 months, Swedish security police have been investigating the case of serious sabotage against the gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea. But now the Swedish investigation is closed. Swedish prosecutors announced a Nord Stream decision on Wednesday after almost a year and a half of investigating the sabotage against the two gas pipelines. Both Sweden, Denmark and Germany have investigated the explosions outside Bornholm that destroyed the two pipelines in September 2022. But so far little information has been received about what has been uncovered. According to leaks to German media, several clues point in the direction of Ukraine. Ukraine, for its part, has accused Russia of being behind it, writes NTB.
