Swedish government gives SEK 350,000 to immigrants who go “home” – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Previously, those who traveled voluntarily from the country received 10,000 Swedish kroner. Now they can get up to SEK 350,000. With NOK 1.4 billion, this could mean 4,000 “immigrants”. – Enormous problems The return grant is the latest measure from the Swedish government to reduce integration problems – also known as “Swedish conditions”. – Although there are still challenges, it is crucial that we never ever go back to the previous immigration policy that created enormous problems, said the new migration minister in Sweden Johan Forssell (M) to SVT after the government’s press conference today. The Sweden Democrats’ heart matter According to Forssell, the Swedish government has not put a figure on how many will leave. But Forssell is clear that the previous contribution of SEK 10,000 has not worked: Last year, only one person made use of the scheme. – We are at full speed into a paradigm shift in migration policy, promises Forssell, who comes from the Moderates, the sister party of the Norwegian Conservative Party. The increase in the Swedish return budget comes after pressure from the Sweden Democrats, who have immigration at heart. The Sweden Democrats are not in government, but the bourgeois parties in government have since 2022 been dependent on support from SD to gain a majority. Strong reactions Jonny Cato in the Swedish Center Party believes the government’s return grant is a fraud against people who need to flee to a safer and better place. Photo: The Center Party Jonny Cato is the migration policy spokesperson in the Swedish Center Party, considered a sister party of the Center Party, is one of several who react: – I’m pissed off. In Sweden, one can get protection, one can work or study, but no one can buy a residence permit. Here they are trying to take advantage of people’s need to flee to a better place in the world, it is simply fraud, says Cato to SVT. He promises to check the legality of the government’s scheme. An increase was advised against. But will making the contribution 35 times as high as before be useful? Not as strong as SD would like, the government’s own investigator believed. Joakim Ruist was an investigator for the Swedish government, but the government does not follow his recommendation. Photo: Alex Bolevin / SVT Joakim Ruist believed that the strong increase in the monetary contribution would not contribute to more than 700 returns annually. The mission from the Sweden Democrats was to get a sharp increase in the number of returns, Ruist believes that will not happen. The Sweden Democrats’ migration policy spokesperson Ludvig Aspling is convinced that more money will be useful: Ludvig Aspling is the migration policy spokesperson for the Sweden Democrats (SD) and believes that many will travel when the contribution increases by several hundred thousand Swedish kroner. Photo: Sweden Democrats – We see the return support as a real opportunity to deal with part of the integration problems in Sweden, Aspling tells SVT. He believes that Sweden has spent a lot of money on integration but that the results have been poor. SD got a lot of power Aspling’s definition of someone who should accept the support and leave is: – When there is no way forward for a certain person to get a job, support themselves and become part of Sweden, then one should get a offer to return home, says the politician from SD. It also emerged today that the Swedish government will increase the number and make immigration controls more efficient. In addition, the Swedish Migration Agency will receive more money to be used for biometrics for identification. The Swedish government today consists of the Moderates, the Christian Democrats and the Liberals. The bourgeois government has entered into a political cooperation agreement – the Tidöavtalet. In it, the Sweden Democrats have gained great success for their immigration policy. Published 12.09.2024, at 21.16 Updated 12.09.2024, at 21.31
