Swedish criminal networks active in 11 of 12 Norwegian police districts – Latest news – news

26 October 2023 at 21:50 Kripos to news: Swedish criminal networks active in 11 out of 12 Norwegian police districts Kripos chief Kristin Kvigne confirms to news that Swedish criminal networks are active in 11 out of 12 Norwegian police districts. – We see the presence of Swedish criminal networks in almost every police district, says Kvigne in Thursday’s broadcast of Debatten. Previously, it has been said that Swedish networks have been present in six police districts. Kvigne emphasizes that the six police districts are districts where Kripos has identified that the Foxtrot network is specifically present. The Foxtrot network has been central to the gang war that has hit Sweden recently. In September, several people, including innocents, were killed in the conflict. – I think it is good that we have identified that they are here, because then we can put in the effort, says Kvigne.
