SV wants an explanation about the corona report at the Storting – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

There are a few days left until the graduating students at the dance line at Edvard Munch secondary school in Oslo will have a performance. In the dance hall at Edvard Munch secondary school, the students in the 3rd stage get ready for a performance. Photo: William Jobling / news For two school years they sat at home and learned to dance through a computer screen. – Dance lessons on teams are with a screen in bed or on a chair, while you try to follow what is happening on the screen which is streamed live from the classroom, says graduating student Elvira Gomez Snerte. – I remember that I thought it was incredibly difficult to teach in a room of 9 square meters with a bed and 100 pieces of furniture, she claims. Red level The last round of red levels at secondary schools was not in line with health advice. This was revealed in the corona committee’s report, which was presented on Friday. Red level was introduced because there were not enough self-tests, but this was not communicated well enough according to the committee. Although the selection concludes that the Norwegian authorities overall handled the pandemic in a good way, they criticized some of the government’s measures. The committee believes, among other things, that children and young people were hit disproportionately hard during the pandemic. – Children and young people bore a disproportionately high part of the burden SV now wants Støre to explain to the Storting about the corona committee’s report. – Children and young people carried a disproportionately high part of the burden. We’ll see that later. We also question the first closure of secondary schools, says SV leader Kirsti Bergstø to news. Kirsti Bergstø from SV is a member of the Labor and Social Committee at the Storting. Photo: William Jobling / news – We therefore want this report to be presented to the Storting. That we should have the opportunity to discuss him, and learn from him, she adds. FRP and Høgre also support a corona aftermath in the Storting. – New information has come to the Storting that we were not clear about at the time. The government said there were health-related reasons for closing the schools, but it also turned out that there were other reasons, says Peter Frølich from Høgre. Storting representative Peter Frølich from Høgre. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB – We understand why SV wants an explanation, but we prefer that this comes in the form of a notification to the Storting, he adds. Wants a productive investigation For the generation that couldn’t hug, and had to learn to dance in front of a PC, the most important thing is that you can learn from the pandemic. Elvira Gomez Snerte hopes that lessons can be learned from the pandemic. Photo: William Jobling / news – I think you can learn a lot from that. But then one must also have an intention to want to make changes. Don’t just investigate for the sake of investigating, says Gomez Snerte. – Then there must be a productive investigation, she concludes.
