SV leader Audun Lysbakken will not stand for re-election – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

He won the battle against Heikki Holmås and Bård Vegar Solhjell to become the new party leader in 2012, but now it’s over: In a letter to SV’s members, Lysbakken writes that it has been an honor to lead the party, but that he will not seek re-election as party leader in the spring. – I am incredibly proud to be the leader of the party I believe in so strongly, and of the trust I have received from thousands of members and even more voters, writes Lysbakken. – Today is still the time to tell you that I will not stand for re-election as party leader at the national meeting in March. Everything has its time, and now it is right for me to take a step back and for the party to choose a new leader, he writes. The post was also published on Facebook on Wednesday morning. 11 YEARS: Audun Lysbakken was elected as party leader in 2012. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB At his press conference, Lysbakken did not want to comment on who should take over the job as SV leader. – To that I have the following to say – in SV we choose leaders, they are not appointed. This is not going to be a press conference like this where I say who will be the new party leader, he says. The party has been given until 20 December to come up with input on who should become the new party leader. The selection committee must present its recommendation no later than 1 February. A new leader will be elected at the national meeting 17–19. March. Consideration for the family In the letter, Lysbakken writes that it is the consideration for the family that makes him now resign. – For many years, my family has stood up for me to be able to do the job as SV leader. I hope I have managed to be both a present father and a good party leader. But it costs. I want a calmer everyday life for my family, he writes. But Lysbakken will continue as party leader until the national assembly in the spring. This means that he will lead the party through the autumn’s budget negotiations with the governing parties in the Storting. And not least, he will lead SV through the winter’s discussions about what will be the party’s new NATO position. In the proposal for SV’s new program of principles, it is no longer stated that the party will work for Norway to leave NATO. A possible new NATO position must be adopted at the national meeting in the spring. – I don’t think this has anything particularly to say about it. I will lead those processes with the same authority I would otherwise have. Then the party gets to discuss the leadership election a bit on the side of that, said Lysbakken. Time to set new goals When Lysbakken took over as party leader, SV struggled heavily. The party was marginalized over the years in the red-green government of Jens Stoltenberg in the period 2005-2013. – In 2012, I was elected party leader with a clear mission: To lead the turnaround away from the barrier. The first years were marked by a lot of hardship, but we stuck together and never gave up. Since 2017, we have been growing steadily, both in support and membership. Bård Vegar Solhjell today brought up the thread from 2012, when he thus lost the leadership election against Lysbakken. – I have long since admitted to myself that SV made the right choice. Audun was a formidable leader, with deep respect for Norwegian politics. And deep respect from me, writes Solhjell on Facebook. And after eight years in opposition to Erna Solberg’s government, SV is now back in a position of influence in Norwegian politics. The party broke away from the government negotiations in Hurdal last autumn, but is now the Støre government’s “preferred budget partner” in the Storting. – We are a party with the courage to use the power the voters have given us, and with the ability to create results for people and the environment. Our party has been rebuilt – both in elections, as an organization and as a force in Norwegian politics. We have done it together, and I am so grateful for the efforts of all of you who have been involved. Lysbakken writes that it is time to set new goals for SV. – Never in my lifetime have politics and democracy felt so important as now, never in my lifetime have there been more crises and greater challenges. Much is at stake, but we also have much to gain. Norway needs a strong socialist party in the coming years. It will be led by a new party leader, whom our party democracy will choose. – We are a strong and united party, with big tasks ahead of us. It’s just a matter of letting go of the future! Will be missed as leader SV deputy leader Torgeir Knag Fylkesnes tells news that it is sad that Lysbakken is giving up. – Audun Lysbakken will remain as one of the most important party leaders in SV’s history. The party’s parliamentary representative Kari Elisabeth Kaski comments on Lysbakken’s decision as follows: Kari Elisabeth Kaski (SV) – Audun has been decisive for SV’s growth. Photo: Alf Simensen / NTB I will miss Audun as a leader. He has been decisive for SV’s growth in recent years, and I am happy that he will lead us for a few months through budget negotiations and to the national meeting. Beyond that, I have no comment now. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) writes in a comment that Audun Lysbakken is one of Norwegian politics’ very best. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) says that Lysbakken is one of the very best in Norwegian politics. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB – He is a colleague I have great respect for and really value as a politician and friend. We were ministers in the Stoltenberg government, and have been colleagues as party leaders for many years. We share values ​​and a desire for a fairer society, it is a foundation to build on. Thank you for the cooperation, I will miss him as SV leader, but know that Audun will remain an important voice in Norwegian social debate. Liberal leader Guri Melby says it is a shame for Norwegian politics that Lysbakken is giving up. Liberal Party leader Guri Melby says that Lysbakken has made a fantastic contribution to politics. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB – He has made a fantastic effort in politics and in the Storting for our citizens, for the country, and I would especially like to thank him for fronting climate and environmental policy in a good way. He has been a good colleague and has contributed to making Norwegian politics better and more accessible through clear language and a clear position. Melby highlights issues on which SV and Venstre have worked together. – The best example of matters on which the Left and SV have worked together is the protection of Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja. In this matter, we have backed each other in the fight against the other parties, and Audun Lysbakken was a fantastic man to fight with, says Melby. Rødt leader Bjørnar Moxnes believes Lysbakken has done an impressive job of rebuilding SV and strengthening the party’s socialist project after the eight years in government. – It is important for the entire radical left in Norway. In the past, there has often been discord between left-wing parties, to the delight of our opponents – I am very grateful for the good cooperation between Rødt and SV, where we pull in the same direction on important issues, and Audun should have a large part of that credit for.
