SV has adopted a new NATO position – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

SV decided today to no longer support Norwegian withdrawal from the NATO defense alliance. The security policy statement from the party’s national meeting contains the following formulation: “Nordic defense cooperation will at the same time be the best foundation for Norwegian alliance policy. Such change must probably take place gradually and collectively. SV will therefore work for this, rather than a Norwegian withdrawal from NATO.” The statement was adopted with 184 votes in favor and 24 votes against. Outgoing party leader Audun Lysbakken was satisfied after the vote. But he is clear that the course change will not change SV’s soul. – This does not mean that we change our critical view of Norway’s dependence on the USA, but for us the Nordic region is most important, and Norway should not stand alone, says Lysbakken. Historical change SV has thus scrapped its 50-year-old NATO position. The party was founded in opposition to Nato, which Lysbakken also pointed out. – In my office I have the cover of the Socialist People’s Party’s first election program in glass and frame. “For peace and disarmament – Norway out of NATO,” he said. At the national meeting, there has also been plenty of opposition to the formulation. A number of party members have given speeches in support of SV continuing to work for Norwegian withdrawal from NATO. A minority of the national board would change the last sentence in the wording to “SV will therefore work to build other alliances and security arrangements that better 150 safeguard world peace and Norwegian security interests”
