Survivors of the Greenland murder shocked by the police’s portrayal – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The deceased, who was in his 20s, was shot dead in Oslo early on Sunday morning 27 November. On the same day, a man in his 30s was arrested and charged with the murder in Greenland. During a press conference on the same day, the police said that this could be a revenge settlement and that the person killed belonged to a criminal circle. – The family is very disappointed and shocked at how the police have contributed to drawing an incorrect picture of the deceased in the media. It has happened in particular through the police press conference on Sunday where they stated completely incorrectly that he had been convicted of a number of matters in the past, says the family’s legal aid lawyer Kaja De Vibe Malling. The murdered man has been convicted three times – but only for what can be called minor matters. None of the sentences are about gang crime. This is shown by the verdicts that news has seen. The circumstances are about a fight at a party, having disturbed the night’s tranquility and he has also refused to accept a summons from the police. He had to pay a fine for this. This photo shows the accused in the case in the entrance to an apartment building in Greenland, not far from the crime scene. Photo: Surveillance camera The police met the family And now the police have turned around. Police attorney Kari Kirkhorn tells news that the police have had a meeting with those left behind in the murder case. – Afterwards, the police had a meeting with the bereaved and tried to explain and that we want to learn from what appears to be an unfortunate and imprecise statement. – The purpose was to keep the population safe. – The family reacted to the fact that he was portrayed as almost a gang criminal shortly after the murder. Do you understand that? – We are investigating the background to what happened to see if there was a motive, and as of now there is no indication that this was a settlement between criminals, she says. A man in his 20s was shot dead in Oslo early Sunday morning. – The family is very distressed Assistance lawyer Kaja De Vibe Malling believes the police were far too quick to link the murder to a possible gang settlement. – They were very quick to conclude that this was connected to a settlement in a criminal environment. The family is happy that the police have gone back on it and said that there is nothing in the investigation that allows them to conclude that, the lawyer points out. – How is the family affected by what has happened? – The family is very affected. They are in deep grief, she says. Family spokesperson Jamal Sheik. Photo: Tom Balgaard / news Took picture of the accused The family’s spokesperson Jamal Sheik says the time after the murder has been very tough for those left behind. He also believes that the media should show more restraint in covering the murder. – And then it is important to communicate that he was a great boy. He says that the family is left without answers about what may have happened. – They don’t have many explanations. They cannot understand that their son and brother are not here today. The police are carrying out crime scene investigations after the murder in Greenland on Sunday. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB The investigation into the case continues. Among other things, it is clear that a surveillance camera has taken a picture of the accused in the case in the entrance to an apartment building in Greenland in Oslo with a weapon in his hand. In this area, among other things, a coffee bar and a business premises have premises at street level. The murdered man was found only 10-20 meters away from this entrance. The police do not want to comment on this picture. A man in his 20s who was charged with complicity in the murder was released on Wednesday. The Oslo police district says that the suspicion against the man was weakened. However, the charge has not been dropped.
