Supreme Court skeptical of banning Trump from the election – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The US Supreme Court is considering the decision from Colorado, that Trump cannot stand for election in the state. Attorney Jason Murray represents four Republican and two independent voters in Colorado. It is these who have filed a lawsuit against Trump, to prevent him from running. Among them is Norma Anderson. Norma Anderson is one of the four Republican voters in Colorado who have filed a lawsuit against Trump. Photo: KEVIN MOHATT / Reuters – I think it’s quite simple. Does the 14th Amendment apply to Trump? Yes, it does. And our state allows us to take some of the voting seats if they do not qualify, says Norma Anderson. Trump’s lawyers have claimed that the highest office in American politics did not fall under the law. They base this on the fact that the president is elected by the people, and not appointed to the office. The nine judges of the US Supreme Court. From left: Sonia Sotomayor, Amy Coney Barrett, Clarence Thomas, Neil M. Gorsuch, John Roberts, Brett M. Kavanaugh, Samuel A. Alito Jr., Ketanji Brown Jackson and Elena Kagan. Photo: OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP Claims Trump is not electable The core of the case is therefore the interpretation of the American Constitution. The 14th Amendment describes who cannot hold office in the American political system. USA expert Jan Arild Snoen thinks it is inconceivable that a majority of the judges will uphold the Colorado verdict. Photo: Philippe Bédos Ulvin / news If you have taken an oath to protect the American constitution, and then contributed to rebellion against the system, the constitutional amendment prevents you from gaining new positions. The plaintiffs claim that Trump, with his role during the storming of Congress on 6 January 2021, was guilty of sedition and therefore cannot be elected president again. – It is just to lay dead. There has never been a real possibility that this will lead to exclusion, says Jan Arild Snoen. The US connoisseur has, among other things, written the book “Trump shock” after Donald Trump won the election in 2016. He believes the case is legally dubious. There have been demonstrations outside the Supreme Court in Washington DC on Thursday. Photo: Jose Luis Magana / AP – Many will argue that this is the wrong way to decide political elections. That has been John Roberts’ argument, which we have also heard from liberal judges. Roberts is the Supreme Court Justice, the foremost of the judges and leader of the collegium. He expressed that if the Colorado judgment is upheld, several states will follow suit to prevent both Democratic and Republican candidates. – Then a handful of states will decide the presidential election. It is a rather frightening consequence, said Roberts. Republican predominance The Supreme Court consists of nine judges. Six of them are seen as conservative, and three of them as liberal. Professor Hilmar Mjelde at the University of Western Norway believes the Supreme Court will let voters vote for Trump. Photo: NORCE During his presidency, Trump appointed a total of three judges, who serve for life. Professor Hilmar Mjelde at Høgskulen på Vestlandet believes that the Supreme Court nevertheless tends to tread carefully in cases that can have major consequences. – The USA does not have a tradition of so-called militant democracy, where extremists are shut out of consideration for democracy itself, he says. He is convinced that the ban in Colorado will be lifted. – The Supreme Court tends to let the states decide important questions themselves. But I think the Supreme Court will say that all voters must be able to vote for Trump if they want to, because the presidency is a national office, says Mjelde.
