Supposed Wagner defector in court for police violence – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Wagner defector Andrej Medvedev pleaded partially guilty when the trial against him began in the Oslo District Court. – He considers these to be rather stupid actions he has committed, says defender Brynjulf ​​Risnes. According to the indictment, he took part in a fight with another person outside Andy’s Pub in central Oslo on the night of Wednesday 22 February this year. The 26-year-old pleads guilty to this. says Risnes. – He says that he was provoked, and that there was a group that bothered him a bit, and that he defended himself. It has been a bit unclear who is attacking who, but there were some people against him, and then a fight ensues. – Terribly unfortunate episode In addition to the fight, Medvedev is also charged with obstructing an official, because he tensed his body and resisted when the police were to take him to the detention center. A little later, in the central detention center in Oslo, the 26-year-old resisted and kicked one or more of the officers, according to the indictment. Medvedev does not plead guilty to this. – Regarding this violence against a public official, he believes that this was not the intention, and that it happened in panic in connection with his arrest. But he expresses that this was a terribly unfortunate episode, which should not be repeated. – Doesn’t affect the asylum process The 26-year-old also pleads guilty after an additional indictment, for carrying a weapon in a public place, around a month later. The defender says he had an air pistol in the center of Oslo as self-defense. Defender Risnes says the case will not affect Medvedev’s asylum process. Photo: Olav Døvik / news – You can buy this in gun shops without further formalities. But it is foolish to think that one can go with it in a public place, even if it is an air gun. On 13 January, Medvedev illegally crossed the border between Russia and Norway. He has said that he is a former Wagner soldier, but that he has fled from the military group. The 26-year-old has applied for asylum in Norway and is now having his application processed by UDI. – What processes can this have for his asylum process? – Formally speaking, it has no consequences, serious crimes are required before it breaks into asylum law. But it is clear, there is nothing lucky for him and his reputation. He gets a lot of focus, and then it is stupid that much of that focus is negative, says Risnes, who adds: – He understands this himself and there will probably be a change in the future. Hoping to avoid prison Risnes says violence against a public official is often punished with a short prison term. Police attorney Vegard Gjertsen is the prosecutor in the trial. Photo: Olav Døvik / news The defense attorney says he will argue that a suspended prison sentence would be better, so the 26-year-old “can focus on the things he needs to focus on, such as learning Norwegian”. – In general, we always believe that violence against public servants is serious, and something that should be reacted to. In this case, we are probably in the lower tier of this provision, says police attorney Vegard Gjertsen. Gjertsen says it does not affect the criminal case that Medvedev allegedly defected from the Wagner group.
