Supervisory committee to assess high court judge Skoghøy – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

In a letter to the selection, Supreme Court Justice Toril Marie Øie points out that there has been “great publicity and concern linked to Judge Skoghøy” recently. The letter was sent from the Supreme Court on Christmas Eve. The committee has its next meeting at the beginning of February. It has long been known that the Supreme Court judge owes his former wife for poisoning him. The claim has been rejected by the wife herself. Warning Skoghøy received a written warning from UiT in October 2020, the letter states. The notice states that he met a young law student in a taxi queue, where she took him home, was served alcohol and spent the night. The woman claims that a sexual act took place, but Skoghøy denies this. She later reported the case, but she was put away. In the warning, the behavior is described as “a serious breach of the trust that we expect from employees in top positions at UiT”. Refers to the appeal deadline – I’m a bit puzzled by that, Skoghøy tells NTB when he is asked to comment that the supervisory committee will deal with the case. He points out that it is a notification case that the employer was informed about in October 2020, and claims that there is a deadline of three months in cases of this type. If the committee takes up the case on its own initiative, there is an absolute deadline of one year, according to Skoghøy. – So all grace periods have long since expired, claims the Supreme Court judge. Not informed In the letter to the supervisory committee, Øie writes that Skoghøy did not inform her about the notification case after he was interviewed for the position of Supreme Court judge. Arnfinn Agnalt, head of the recommendation council for judges, told VG that Skoghøy also did not inform them that there was an ongoing notification case at UiT. – When I applied, there was not enough notification proceedings, says Skoghøy to NTB. The nomination committee decided on the selection of him as a new Supreme Court judge in March 2020, before he was appointed in April. Not expedient – At that time there were so many loose threads that it was not expedient for me to inform, says Skoghøy, who does not wish to comment on UiT’s handling of the case. As the person with the longest seniority in the Supreme Court, Jens Edvin A. Skoghøy is the acting Supreme Court justice. When he holds that role, he is the fourth highest-ranking person in this country, after the King, the President of the Storting and the Prime Minister.
