Sunnfjord school must delete student photo on Facebook – news Vestland

Skular in Sunnfjord has been told to delete Facebook pictures of pupils. They are also no longer allowed to share such images on social media. – It can lead to challenges with privacy, says Åge Stafsnes, municipal head of schools in Sunnfjord municipality. The reason is that Meta, which is behind Facebook and Instagram, will use the users’ content to train its computer models within artificial intelligence (AI). School student: – Very stupid Today, many schools have their own Facebook accounts where they post pictures and other content of students. This is also the case in Sunnfjord schools. But now old photos from school graduations and after-school events have to go because of Meta’s new move. The head of school does not know whether other municipalities have issued the same encouragement as himself. The school head in Sunnfjord Åge Stafsnes says there is a lot of work with the deletion, but that he has so far not received any reactions from the schools. – But the entire municipality must also think about when we publish the picture, he adds. Photo: Sunniva Fjærestad / news At Vassenden school in the municipality, the students think it’s a shame that good memories from school are now being erased. – It is very stupid. There are many nice pictures that would have been nice for parents and family to see, says Ella Grønfur. Classmate Nikolai Gjesdal agrees, but at the same time understands the school very well. – They do it to take care of us. Even if we want the school to publish the picture, it’s scary when we don’t know what it might be used for. The two junior high school students themselves will be more attentive to their own accounts in the future. – Sensible to be cautious Many experts are very critical of Meta’s move, which was scheduled to come into force on 26 June. Before the weekend, news came that the move was postponed following an inquiry from the Irish Data Protection Authority. Meta still believes that they have laws and regulations on their side. – It’s creepy, but also problematic, says lawyer and privacy advisor Ida Thorsrud. Old party photos or posts you shared many years ago can be useful in the KI training. It is possible to reserve against this, but many find that it is difficult to achieve. Some also try to delete Facebook, but find that this is also a challenge. – Sensible to be ahead of the curve, Head of School Stafsnes thinks Meta’s new move is unfortunate. – This means that we cannot use Facebook for what it was intended to be, he says. Stafsnes also asks parents who manage old school accounts to go in and delete the ticket. – As long as Meta continues with its new guidelines, the school will be restrictive with the use of images, says Stafsnes. The principal at Vassenden, Anne-Cecilie Kapstad, thinks the encouragement from the municipality is reasonable. – We do not know what these tickets will be used for in the future. Therefore, it makes sense to be careful and that we go in and delete, she says. The principal at Vassenden, Anne-Cecilie Kapstad, says they have to find other ways to share the photo in a safe way. Photo: Sunniva Fjærestad / news The school is already well underway with the cleaning job. Now they have to find other ways to share pictures from the school day, says Kapstad. Published 20.06.2024, at 15.38
