Sumaya Jirde cancels event in Bergen – Latest news – news

16 November 2022 at 10:45 BT: Sumaya Jirde cancels event in Bergen Sumaya Jirde Ali cancels her trip to Bergen where she was supposed to talk about the play “Havet tar det det nik gir” next Friday, Bergens Tidende reports. – I can confirm that the event has been cancelled. Sumaya will not come to Bergen because of the current situation, says theater director Stefan Larsson to BT on Wednesday morning. On Tuesday, it became known that social debater Sumaya Jirde Ali has reported the comedian Atle Antonsen for gross racism and the use of physical force against her. The case has been investigated by the Oslo police as hate speech and reckless behavior and has been forwarded to the State Attorney for a prosecution decision
