Sumaya Jirde Ali reports to the police Atle Antonsen for racism – news Nordland

It comes out in a longer Facebook post. – This is a story I have been carrying for three weeks. I have been in doubt as to whether I should tell it, and I still have doubts, she writes. – Now I do it. news has been in contact with Sumaya Jirde Ali, who refers to the Facebook post. news has been in contact with Antonsen, who calls it a sad case, but points out that since it is a police report, he does not want to comment on the case. Read the full response to Antonsen at the bottom of the case. Police confirm report news has been in contact with the Oslo police district, which confirms via police attorney Marianne Aune that a report has been received about a relationship in Oslo. – We can confirm that the Oslo police district has received a report in connection with an incident at Bar Boca in Oslo on 23.10.22. The police cannot confirm who has been reported. The victim in the case has given a statement to the police and the case has been coded as hate speech and reckless behaviour. The police have questioned suspects in the case and witnesses who were present at the incident. In addition to this, we do not wish to go into specific investigative steps at this time. The police say that the case has been fully investigated and is being considered for prosecution. Supposed to have met Antonsen in the city Sumaya Jirde Ali is a debater, poet and writer, who comes from Bodø, but who works and lives in Oslo. The Facebook post was published on Ali’s Facebook page on Tuesday morning. There she describes how she and a friend were out at a club after a night out with friends. She describes that both she and her friend were in a very good mood when they arrived at the nightclub. She also writes that the evening dragged on, but that they were abruptly interrupted. Allegedly by comedian Atle Antonsen. – Antonsen sat opposite me. There was a small table between us. I remember the grin, I remember the twinkle in his eyes, writes Ali. She claims Antonsen contacts her in English: “What are you … how are you” Ali writes that she chuckled and noted that she knows Norwegian. – In seconds, Antonsen’s face changed. He goes from being a smiling man to someone who screams “SHUT THE FUCK UP”, writes Ali. Furthermore, she claims that Antonsen followed up by saying: – I know what you are doing, I know what you are trying to do. Sumaya Jirde Ali accuses Atle Antonsen of racism in a longer Facebook post. “Too dark-skinned to be here” According to Ali, her friend should have tried to get Antonsen to stop, and Ali should then have tried to calm down the whole situation, but that it didn’t help. Antonsen is said to have said “SHUT THE FUCK UP” again before, according to Ali, he grabs her arm. – I tear myself away. I say that I don’t understand what he’s trying to say or why he’s behaving this way, but then he asks me once again to shut up, writes Ali. Sumaya Jirde Ali claims that Atle Antonsen subjected her to racism. The picture was taken in a different context. Photo: news Sumaya Jirde Ali further says that the whole episode was frightening and unpleasant. – As a black woman who is no stranger to racism, I know at this point what is coming at the same time that I do not know. I have been here so many times before at the same time that I have never been here before, she writes. Then she claims that Antonsen should have said: “You are too dark-skinned to be here” Ali says she does not believe what she hears from Antonsen. – Maybe it was a failed joke, maybe it was pure racism, maybe he didn’t mean it, anyway it’s impossible for me as a 24-year-old black woman to know what a 53-year-old white celebrity is trying. She adds that the intention still does not matter and that the result is the same. According to Ali, Antonsen then got up and addressed the rest of the table, who were said to have been three other white men. “Don’t you agree that she’s too dark-skinned to be here?” Ali claims that Antonsen said before he pointed at her. – Then he turns to me and says “look at you, it’s you.”, writes Ali. Sumaya Jirde Ali claims Antonsen said she was too dark-skinned to be at the nightclub. Photo: Ole Dalen / news – Feeling of being beaten Sumaya Jirde Ali writes that there were several other well-known comedians present. After a while, Ali and her friend are said to have got up and tried to leave. – Antonsen does the same. He doesn’t just stand in the way, he takes a step closer and grabs me. I tear myself away and with a voice choked with tears I ask him not to touch me, writes Ali. Antonsen is said to have been removed by another person in the room. – The next day I woke up with a feeling of having been beaten. All Sunday I was in shock, writes Ali. Having reported the matter to the police, Antonsen Ali writes that she waited all Sunday for an apology, without it coming. The following Wednesday, according to Ali, a message should have arrived on Facebook. – I have learned that I owe you an apology from Saturday. It is thoughtless to be a comedian around such burdensome things, he is said to have written according to Ali. Furthermore: – I have probably gone completely blind after too many years of fussing about this with Golden. In any case, I deeply apologize if I ended up hurting you. Sumaya Jirde Ali writes in the Facebook post that she has reported the incident to the police. – I didn’t dare at first, because I was and still am afraid of him. But I managed to do it after friends reminded me that if this had happened to any of them, I would have been the one who had gone to the police station. I have reported because it is the right thing to do. Because it gave me a sense of control after being verbally and physically robbed of it. I am writing about it now because it is redemptive, because it is an attempt to regain control, and to place the discomfort in its proper place. The friend who was present, Cathrine Linn Kristiansen, confirms to Aftenposten what Ali writes. – What is written there is true. I have also testified to the police about the case, says Kristiansen. Antonsen: – Untidy of me to comment on Atle Antonsen has been submitted to the criticism from Jirde Ali. He writes in an SMS to news that he does not want to comment on the matter now. – This is a sad and unpleasant case, but since there is a police report, it would be inappropriate for me to comment on this right now. Hope for understanding for that.
