Suddenly the wife discovered that Arnt was in the kitchen of a Dutch lady – news Vestland

– It was a very nice measure, and has a great model, says Arnt Johannessen. He is the kitchen manager at Bekkjarvik guest house in Austevoll. This week he was handed a very special painting. Namely a painting of a picture of Johannessen himself. The painting by Arnt was in a Dutch kitchen for a long time. Photo: Petra van Dalen Discovered quite by chance by his wife Painting’s journey begins in the Netherlands, when Petra van Dalen decided to learn to paint when she was bored during the corona. She signed up for an online course. Van Dalen is fond of cooking himself, and wanted a picture of a chef on the kitchen wall. – I found the picture randomly on the internet, and had to look very carefully to see what was written on the chef’s shirt, says Van Dalen. But she managed to do that, that is, without knowing who she had measured. She took a picture of the painting, and posted it on Instagram with the subject tag #bekkjarvikgjestgiveri in November last year. Around two weeks later, Arnt’s wife discovered the picture of the painting. – I sat and scrolled on the time thief Instagram. Then I happened to see a picture of Arnt, who was standing in the kitchen of a Dutch lady. I thought it was cool, says Camilla Johannessen. She says she is not in the habit of monitoring the subject tag on Instagram. – You had no doubt that it was Arnt? – It was Arnt. It had to be, says Camilla. The measurement is very similar to the image it is measured from. – My measurement teacher online told me that you have to measure what you see, not what you think you see, says Petra van Dalen. Photo: Petra van Dalen Unable to buy the picture, Camilla forwarded the picture to mother-in-law Asta Johannessen, who contacted van Dalen. – First there was a message that they liked the picture. I thought that was it, says the painter. Then the Dutchman was asked if he wanted to sell the painting business. – I didn’t want to sell it, I had spent so many hours on it, says van Dalen. After some conferencing with her husband, she concluded that she could rather ask for a change. – I asked if I could exchange my measuring skills for a bit of cooking skills, says van Dalen. The Johannessen family in Austevoll would like to be involved. The picture of Arnt Johannessen is widely used as an example picture of a chef on the internet. Photo: Screen dump / Google Lens – Friendship for life Winter lasted into spring and spring into summer, and the picture still hung in van Dalen’s kitchen. But on Wednesday, the painting of the picture came to Bekkjarvik. – I don’t get measured that often, it was a new experience. It’s nice that someone wanted me on the wall, says Arnt. In exchange for the painting company, van Dalen and the man got two nights and a dinner at the guest house. The Johannessen family attended the aperitif before the meal. – They are such lovely people, says van Dalen, who was back in the Netherlands on Saturday. – I feel like I have made friendships for life, says Asta Johannessen. The painting now hangs at home in Arnt’s kitchen.
