– Such large pike are not even caught annually – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– I did not know up or down, and almost did not dare to drive home. It was a completely insane feeling, says Kevin Maløya. The 31-year-old talks about the fishing trip in Temsevannet in Grimstad on Saturday. On the rod from the boat, he pulled what could be the catch of his life. A pike weighing 17.7 kilos. It is only a few kilos below the Norwegian record. – It is so absurd that it should not have been possible. Especially considering the small water we fished in, says Maløya. The huge catch created great cheers when the comrades got it up in the boat. It was loud in the boat when the comrades realized what they had got on the hook. A giant Such a large pike has probably never been caught in Sørlandet before. Most large pike catches are made in Eastern Norway or in Finnmark, where the stock is most widespread. The size of the pike is also one of the very rare. – Such large pike are not even caught annually. It is not far from the Norwegian record, that puts it in perspective. This is what biologist Øyvind Fjeldseth from the Norwegian Hunters’ and Fishermen’s Association says. Kevin Maløye could not believe it when he got the huge pike on the hook. Photo: PRIVATE He thinks Maløya and Bentsen have been lucky with the catch. – A pike of so many kilos is a lifetime pike. You don’t get many of these in the course of a lifetime, says Fjeldseth. Biologist Øyvind Fjeldseth from the Norwegian Hunters’ and Fishermen’s Association says pike over 10 kilos are considered large. The fish becomes more and more rare for every kilo more than this. Photo: Norwegian Hunters’ and Fishermen’s Association Should not have been where the biologist wonders why such a large pike was caught in Sørlandet, where it really should not have been. – It has been put out at one time or another. The pike does not belong in that part of the country. The pike have taken up space in several lakes in Sørlandet after they have been released illegally. It can then make large inroads into the local stocks of, for example, trout, according to Fjeldseth. – There are plenty of fishing opportunities for pike elsewhere in the country, it should certainly not be done, he adds.
