Subwoolfer threw away the masks – was not prepared for the success – news Culture and entertainment

And who are they? Yes, Ben Adams from A1 and Gaute Ormåsen. Gaute OrmåsenBen Adams in A1 on the left They took off their masks while performing their new song “Worst Kept Secret”. The rumors surrounding who has hidden behind the wolf masks have created discussions and several media headlines. But until tonight, the wolves did not want to give the people an answer to who they really are. Did you guess correctly? Photo: NATHAN REINDS / EBU – Ingenious When asked what it has been like to take part in Melodi Grand Prix with masks on, Adams replies: – It has been brilliant, but also very strange. Being completely anonymous is a wonderful thing, but on the other hand, we don’t get any credit. He further admits that they had not thought they would make it as far as the Eurovision final: – We started this for fun, and we didn’t think we would win. But then we got to Eurovision, and then it exploded. – And we were not prepared for that. Adams also says that it was a bit of a shame not to be able to speak for himself in an interview. – It is a relief that we can now talk, he says. 10th place in Eurovision Subwoolfer won the Norwegian final of Melodi Grand Prix last year with the song “Give That Wolf a Banana” and represented Norway in the Eurovision Song Contest in Turin. There they ended up in 10th place. Their trademark has been playing the roles of “Keith” and “Jim”, two yellow wolves from the moon who came to earth to spread their musical message. Although they could sing, they could not talk and have always used their permanent interpreter, Carl-Henrik Wahl. Also read: Ben Adams responds to the Subwoolfer rumours.
