Styrk Vangen Lirhus from Voss died without a will or heir – the state gives away his 15 million – news Vestland

Styrk Vangen Lirhus ran a trade and cafe in his own commercial building in Voss, inherited from his parents who ran before him. Vangen Café has always been a popular meeting place in Voss. Photo: Privat Goode, old Vangen Café was like an institution for several generations of Vossingers. Styrk himself was well liked by everyone, and in fine form. Who thinks about death then? The shock One day Styrk re-signs on the street outside his commercial building in Voss. He is rushed to hospital and is diagnosed with a stroke. The language is gone, and he is no longer able to communicate with the people around him. Friends come to visit, but no family. His brother, mother and father died before him, and he has no children. Styrk (No. 3 from the left) grew up as the youngest in the family. Photo: Privat Who will take over the life’s work of several generations? Succession It is established by law who has the right to inherit when you die. Simply put, we can say that without children, cohabitants or spouses, this is the order of inheritance: Parents – siblings – nieces and nephews – grandparents – aunts and uncles – cousins. The news series “Unkjent arving” has searched for legal heirs on both the mother’s and father’s side of Styrk. Photo: Private Although searches are being made both at home and abroad for relatives of Styrk Vangen Lirhus, they cannot find anyone who has inheritance rights according to the law. So – who wants Styrk to inherit the fortune? Will As with most people, Styrk has not been in a hurry to write a will. To do that, the law requires that you must be able to express your free will about who will inherit you. It cannot Strengthen anymore. After the stroke, he is clear in his head, but is unable to convey what he thinks and wants. Styrk Vangen Lirhus ended up in a wheelchair after the battle. Photo: Private When Styrk dies in 2018, there are neither heirs nor a will that says to whom he will give his fortune. The value of the commercial building gets the inheritance up to NOK 15 million. What will happen to the million inheritance? The state takes over Every year, there are several people who left behind, larger and smaller, without there being any heirs or a will. The total sum varies annually from a few million to several tens of millions of kroner. Arvelova says that this money should: “… be distributed to voluntary activities for the benefit of children and young people.” But before voluntary organizations can get money from this pot, as many as three ministries and a national council must assess the matter. The cabal Firstly, the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness is responsible for the Inheritance Act and its wording. The Ministry of Local Government and District Affairs must assess whether people who have been extra close to the deceased should inherit according to strict rules. It is then the responsibility of the Ministry of Culture and Equality to distribute money to voluntary activities for children and young people. They do this through the National Council for Norwegian Children’s and Youth Organizations (LNU). They are among the applicants, and give between NOK 50,000 and NOK 300,000 each. Can your organization apply to receive inheritance money? Check here! (external link) State of Arvelau Previously, it was the state that inherited everything, but when Arvelova was changed in 2015, the state lost the right of inheritance. Instead, the money was to go to work for children and young people. They considered creating their own fund for this purpose. But since the amounts were so small, they did not want to waste inheritance money on fund management. Thus we end up with today’s solution, where three ministries and a national council collaborate to distribute the money. Deadline until 2028 Who will finally get Styrk’s 15 million remains to be seen. Rightful heirs have ten years to come forward and claim their inheritance. If no one does it before 2028, ten years after Styrk’s death, the deadline expires. And the state distributes the money. This could mean, for example, that 50 organizations receive NOK 300,000 each from Styrk Vangen Lirhus. So even if Styrk did not get to choose who would inherit him, he would perhaps have been quite satisfied that his millions will most likely benefit many thousands of children and young people.
