Students party and make noise at Møllenberg in Trondheim – putting in weights this year – news Trøndelag

Undeterred partying late into the night last year deprived the residents of Møllenberg in Trondheim of a night’s sleep. Action is now being taken for this year’s influx of students to the district. – Last year there was a lot of music and banging. There was little sleep at night, especially for children. So there are many families with children who have escaped from the district, and we have to do something about that. That’s what Bjørn Erik Hansen says, head of the Møllenberg and Rosenborg welfare association. The district in Trondheim is close to the city center and nightlife spots, and is thus a very popular place for students to get a dormitory. Practical for the students, impractical for the residents of Møllenberg. Taking action Last year, the situation was so bad that residents said enough was enough. The police believed that at times it was reminiscent of a party street in the South. Therefore, this year the municipality, in collaboration with the landlords’ association, the police and the charity, has come to the conclusion that they should have scales present in the district for a longer period, including during sponsor week. – We have a weighing solution with scales every day from 15 August to 29 August. Then until the end of September there will be guards on the night of Saturday and the night of Sunday, says chairman Kristine Brauti of the Trondheim Boligutleierforening. – Then maybe it will be a little less “Rai Rai”? – I hope so. The chairman of the Trondheim Boligutleierforening, Kristine Brauti, hopes the weights will improve. Photo: Jøte Toftaker / news Too many students in the district – I really hope that it will be better than last year. Then there was a crisis, says municipal director Morten Wolden. 50 percent of the inhabitants of Møllenberg are students. Wolden believes that is too much, and says that the municipalities are working on a plan so that there will not be too many students in one district. Although they have put measures in place before the students arrive, Wolden does not think it will provide any guarantee for quiet evenings in the district. – I’m pretty sure there will be some noise and noise at night. Want a vibrant district – We expect that it will be better this year and that the students realize that they have a responsibility, says Hansen in the association. But he too is concerned that not so many students can live in the district. He recalls that many houses and dormitories are left empty in the summer when the students leave. – The most important thing is that hyblification is stopped. Otherwise, we have to run adult education every single year, and then it won’t be a vibrant district. Bjørn Erik Hansen in Møllenberg and Rosenborg welfare association. Photo: Jøte Toftaker / news
