Students can apply for NOK 1,500 in increased electricity support – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The news spread quickly among the students, and many news has spoken to had already applied for electricity support on Friday morning. Sociology student Monica Hassani has plans for the same. – I intend to apply at once. The same applies to Veronica Fevang Mathisen. She is studying kindergarten teacher studies at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). Kindergarten student Veronica Fevang Mathisen says the NOK 1,500 support comes in handy. Photo: Helena Rønning / news – I received a message from my mother this morning that we could apply. Then I went in straight away and applied. – What does it mean to you? – There is extra money now in December, and electricity is already very expensive, so it comes in handy. More applicants Overall, this means that students have been offered NOK 4,500 in extra electricity support in 2022, writes Research and Higher Education Minister Ola Borten Moe (Sp) in a press release on Friday. The support came into place after negotiations between the governing parties and SV in October. – Students have extremely little to worry about after all expenses have been paid, so I hope this will come in handy, says education policy spokesperson in SV, Freddy André Øvstegård. Around 230,000 students will in the next few days receive an email with an offer to apply for the electricity grant. They can then log in to and apply. Student at USN Eirik Thorbjørnsen will apply for support, and says that it will give him a little more room for finances in December. Photo: Helena Rønning / news Not going around Mathisen, who lives in a house with a roommate and a son, estimates that they have used NOK 1,000 in electricity so far in December. She has spoken to several fellow students who will also be applying for support. She herself is satisfied with the amount of NOK 1,500. But that doesn’t apply to everyone. Hassani believes that the amount of NOK 1,500 is very small. She herself received an electricity bill of NOK 6,400 in November, and the month’s electricity bill ended up at NOK 3,500. Hassani lives in a semi-detached house with two children. She is struggling to make ends meet and has asked for a postponed deadline to pay the electricity bill from November. When the money runs out, she has to borrow from her sisters. – It’s getting cold, so it’s impossible not to turn on the stove. Avoid borrowing the same amount of money Kristian Helberg is a full-time student. The increased expenses this year will be felt on the wallet. For him, the electricity subsidy means a slightly easier December. – I don’t want to have to borrow as much money from parents as I have had to do in recent months. Student Kristian Helberg says increased support means he won’t have to borrow as much money this month. Photo: Helena Rønning / news Helberg and her partner are both full-time students. This means that they have the opportunity to apply for support both. This makes it easier to cover the electricity bill in December. – This autumn it has been tight. Both me and my partner both have children, which means that there are many costs that have to be covered. When we are both full-time students, it becomes difficult to get a job on the side that allows us to cover bills and money for food and miscellaneous.
