Student aid jumps 10 per cent: The student organization rejoices

On Sunday morning, it became clear that the governing party and SV had agreed on next year’s state budget. In it, it appears that student aid will increase by 10 per cent from 1 August 2024. Now the student organization is celebrating. – SV’s initiative to improve the students’ framework conditions has been heard by the governing parties and together they have listened to our needs. The Norwegian Student Organization (NSO) rejoices over the budget settlement, says leader of the Norwegian Student Organization, Oline Sæther. The party has been negotiating with the government parties Sp and Ap since Monday 13 November. In the budget the parties have agreed on, more than 22 billion have been moved. SV has been behind the move of NOK 19.1 billion. Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) has led the negotiations. Labor Minister Tonje Brenna (Ap) has stepped in as a substitute for Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap), who on Thursday traveled to the climate summit in Dubai. On Monday, the budget will be debated and adopted in the parliament.
