Strong reactions to Stad ship tunnel being put on hold – news Vestland

Stad ship tunnel was scheduled to open in 2026. The Norwegian Coastal Administration’s latest analysis shows an increase in the cost framework of 74 per cent. The expected cost has increased from NOK 3.4 billion to NOK 5.6 billion. The cost framework has increased from NOK 4 billion to NOK 7.1 billion. CRITICAL: Storting representative Alfred Bjørlo (V) is reaching out against the sitting government. In light of the new figures, the government is asking the Coastal Administration to see if it is possible to cut costs in the project. The announcement comes two years after the Storting decided to build the tunnel. Then only MDG voted against. – A very disturbing signal and shows once again that we have a government that gives up on the coast, says Norwegian representative Alfred Bjørlo (V). Fears scrapping The former Stad mayor has a strong desire for the 1.7 kilometer long tunnel through the mountain in the sea gap in the far west of Norway. His successor, Gunnar Silden (V), is also very disappointing. DRAGSEIDET: The ship tunnel will go through Dragseidet on Stadlandet and will be 1.7 kilometers long. Photo: Illustrasjon Kystverket The municipality has over a number of years spent large resources on the project, and has recently been working hard to complete the regulatory work. The mayor feared that this could happen. – We hope the break will be short-lived and that the project will be included in next year’s state budget again. The worst scenario is that the project is shelved, he says. Have to look at the tunnel. The tunnel will give ship traffic a safer way around the very weather-resistant Stadlandet. In bad weather, fishing boats do not want to cross Stadhavet. Larger boats will in any case follow the traditional ski care. The tunnel has been in the minds of coastal people for over 140 years, and has been through several decades of investigations. Now, strong wage and price growth and uncertainty about the figures mean that the government will look at the project again. – It’s never nice to have an increase in costs. We will know more about the final sum when the project is out on the market, says Erling Sande. Photo: Bård Siem / news The government clarifies that it is not a question of a cancellation, but a postponement. It also means that the work on compulsory redemption of property judgments is now picking up. Erling Sande (Sp) is leader of the Transport Committee. – Now we can go into these numbers and see what is there. The government will come back with more answers in the State Budget for the autumn. The Storting must look at whether more money should be allocated to the project, he says. – Sensible round The Norwegian Coastal Administration announced in February this year that they would call for tenders for the construction of the ship tunnel for the summer. In the budget negotiations last autumn, Labor Party, SP and SV also agreed that City Ship Tunnel will receive NOK 76 million in start-up funds in this year’s state budget. Although Mona Fagerås, spokesperson for transport policy in SV, wants the Stad ship tunnel, but supports the decision to put the project on hold. – It is a very expensive project, and something that has never been done before. It therefore makes sense to take a few more rounds on the costs, she says. – But is it realistic to get the project done cheaper if it is delayed? – Yes, we hope that it is possible to get this done at a lower price. This is precisely what some time will be spent on now. – Unreasonable treatment Mayor of Vanylven, Lena Landsverk Sande (V), is frustrated by the message – I had hoped that we would achieve this through political negotiations with real promises and that one actually follows up on what is promised. County leader in Vestland KrF, Trude Brosvik, believes the government is sending the project into new uncertainty, and owes the government for unfair treatment of Vestlandet. – When you look at everything they have picked out of NTP of large and important road projects for Vestland county, I really wonder what they are thinking about strengthening mainland Norway and facilitating a green transition and what we will live on after oil, – Enough delay! Daily manager Randi Humborstad of the business organization Måløy Vekst reminds us that uncertainty is connected to the tunnel being the first of its kind. – It is only when you receive offers from contractors that you can say what the Stad ship tunnel will cost. Now there is enough analysis and training for this project, she says, and believes that there is hardly a project that is more fully understood than the ship tunnel. DRAGSEIDET: The ship tunnel will go through Dragseidet on Stadlandet and will be 1.7 kilometers long. Photo: Illustrasjon Kystverket If the tunnel is not completed, MP Bjørlo believes that it will be the biggest breach of promise of all time – from any government. – They have come to power because they have said that they will prioritize districts, district Norway and Western Norway. I can’t believe it’s happening, and expect them to confirm that the project will go ahead once the review has been done, says Bjørlo. The Norwegian Coastal Agency refers to the ministry and political leadership for comments.
