Strong increase in GPS jamming over Finnmark – news Troms and Finnmark

For several years, Finnmark has been exposed to GPS jamming, but in the last year something special has happened. After Russia went to war in Ukraine, such jamming has increased sharply. According to the National Communications Authority (Nkom), last year there was a fivefold increase in the number of days with GPS failure over the airspace in Finnmark. And the activity has not stopped after the New Year. – We already see figures for this year, the first two months, that this development continues, says acting director Marianne Øhrn Johannessen in Nkom. The first cases of such jamming occurred in 2017. The suspicion of who is behind it has since then been aimed at our neighboring country to the east and the country’s electronic warfare. According to, jamming has also increased in scope elsewhere in the past year. The reason is that Russia wants to protect its own airspace and bases. Acting director Marianne Øhrn Johannessen at Nkom. Photo: Kristin Olsen / news Hitting planes Especially planes flying in Finnmark are affected by the jamming. Helge Anonsen is flight commander in Widerøe, and confirms that the pilots who fly for them in Finnmark have noticed a big change in the past year. – Based on the reports that we have in our deviation system from the pilots, it clearly indicates that the number of cases has increased significantly after the outbreak of war, he says. Although jamming creates extra work for the pilots, there is never a danger to safety, says Widerøe. The planes also have other aids to navigate. Widerøe’s planes experienced far more frequent jamming in the airspace over Finnmark last year than in previous years. Photo: SONDRE SANDBAKKEN / news The pilots who fly ambulance planes in the north have also noticed increased jamming. – The further west we fly, the higher up in the air we experience the jamming. It may indicate that we are exposed to ground-based GPS jamming from the east, flight commander Nikolai Hamre in Babcock told news in December. To measure jamming on the Norwegian continental shelf In order to get a better overview and mapping of jamming, Nkom has now established measuring stations in Finnmark. Some of this happens from cars that have measuring equipment. In recent years, Nkom has received more money from the government to survey jamming. – This has been particularly linked to plinths. Measuring stations are now being placed on various platforms that have been selected, precisely to be able to measure much more directly which disturbances are taking place, says Øhrn Johannessen in Nkom. Work on the Norwegian shelf is dependent on GPS signals, but has so far not been affected by jamming. Øhrn Johannessen states that this is to be a precaution. The gas plant on Melkøya in Hammerfest is among the places where measuring equipment is deployed. Nkom now has several cars in Finnmark that drive around and measure GPS jamming. These are not equipped with any sensitive equipment. Photo: Stian Strøm / news – Why is GPS jamming serious? – GPS jamming is serious because we are one of the countries that is very digitized, and that makes us more vulnerable. A number of services depend on the GPS signal to perform critical services. Jamming and interference with the GPS signals can ultimately be a danger to life and health, says Øhrn Johannessen. Nkom is subject to the Ministry of Local Government and Districts. During a visit to Kirkenes on Friday, municipal minister Sigbjørn Gjelsvik (Sp) got to see how one of Nkom’s measuring vehicles works. – In general, it is important that we are vigilant in relation to ensuring a robust communication system and contribute to it providing security for people in relation to ensuring good services and safety in everyday life, he says. Local Government Minister Sigbjørn Gjelsvik was in Kirkenes on Friday where he got to see one of Nkom’s cars that measure GPS jamming. On the left, acting director Marianne Øhrn Johannessen in Nkom and her colleague Lars Rønning Johansen. Photo: Stian Strøm / news Has notified Russia several times In 2018, the police in Finnmark warned that GPS jamming could affect preparedness and security in Norway. Later, they received support from the Central Rescue Center in Northern Norway, which believes that jamming means that rescue operations can take longer, thereby putting lives at risk. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has taken up the matter with the Russian authorities several times. Political contact between the countries has been put on hold, following the outbreak of war a year ago. news has asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs if they have nevertheless reacted in any way to Russia regarding the increased jamming, but they have so far not responded.
