Strong increase in CO₂ emissions this year – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– We continue to see record growth in clean energy, but at the same time have not been able to adequately control the growth in fossil fuels. Therefore, global CO₂ emissions continue to rise, says Glen Peters. He is a senior researcher at Cicero and part of the leadership team of the Global Carbon Project (GCP). On Tuesday, GCP presents its annual analysis of the development in global emissions of the greenhouse gas CO₂. The figures make grim reading: The increase in CO₂ emissions is expected to be 1.1 per cent this year. That is more than double the average of the last ten years, which has been 0.5 per cent. A total of 36.8 billion tonnes of CO₂ is expected to be emitted in the world this year. It is more than ever. Global CO₂ emissions from fossil sources are now 6 percent higher than in 2015, when the Paris Agreement was adopted. It comes after the world passed a dramatic threshold last year where the amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere was for the first time more than 50 percent higher than in pre-industrial times. Never had so much coal emissions – We are constantly seeing record growth in clean energy, but at the same time have not been able to adequately control the growth in fossil fuels. Therefore, global CO2 emissions continue to rise, says Glen Peters. Photo: Monica Bjermeland / CICERO Emissions continue to rise even though the world has never before produced as much renewable energy as this year. 2023 is also likely to be the year with the largest CO₂ emissions from coal. Of the fossil fuels, coal is the one that causes the greatest emissions. In 2014, emissions from coal reached a peak, followed by a decline for several years. The figures gave hope that the world was in the process of using less of the most dangerous fossil fuel. That trend continued throughout the pandemic, but in 2022 a new record was set in emissions from coal. This year the figure is even higher, never before have there been so many CO2 emissions from the use of coal. CO₂ in the atmosphere measured in parts per million particles (ppm)460 parts per million particles (ppm)? Click for an explanation of parts per million, abbreviated ppmGo to news’s ​​Climate Status Why is the graph so wavy? This is about seasons. In summer, the amount of CO₂ decreases because plants and trees absorb CO₂ from the air. In winter, the plants die, the CO₂ escapes and the graph rises. Since there are more plants and trees in the northern hemisphere, the seasons here control the amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere. What is the problem with a lot of CO₂ in the atmosphere? The greenhouse effect makes the earth livable, but more greenhouse gases, such as CO₂, increase this effect and make the earth warmer . The graph starts in 1960 because this was the year when the world began to measure CO₂ systematically. It happened on Mauna Loa in Hawaii and the curve shows the measurements from there. Before the world became industrialized there was around 280 ppm CO₂ in the atmosphere (year 1700). The researchers found that out by analyzing ice core samples. Will there be less CO₂ in the atmosphere if emissions are cut? No, not immediately. If we cut emissions, the amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere will only increase more slowly. The reduction in emissions must be large and last for a long time before we can see an effect. Imagine that the atmosphere is a bathtub and the greenhouse gases are the water you fill in. Even if you turn off the tap, the bathtub will not run out of water. This is the case with greenhouse gases and CO₂. It takes a long time for CO₂ to break down in the atmosphere. This is the reason why the experts want technology that sucks out greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, in addition to us cutting emissions. The world’s politicians have decided that they will try to limit the warming of the world to 1.5 degrees, compared to how the temperature was before the industrial revolution. Then we must keep the amount of CO₂ in the atmosphere below 430 ppm, according to the UN’s climate panel. Most up in China and India – Emissions are up most in China and India, says Jan Ivar Korsbakken at Cicero. It increases the most in India, where emissions are expected to rise by 8.2 per cent. Korsbakken says that it is of course not good for the planet that emissions go up there. But he also adds that it must be seen in context. – We must also remember that India has far lower emissions per inhabitant than the vast majority of other places in the Western world, he says. He also points out that, in a historical perspective, Western countries are responsible for most of the greenhouse gases that lead to global warming. – Emissions are falling in both the US and Europe: But both the US and Europe have actually long since used up our share of the total carbon budget if we are to stay within 1.5 or even 2 degrees, says Korsbakken. A freight train fully loaded with coal on its way from the Powder River Basin in Montana and Wyoming. Not in 120 years has the US had such low emissions of CO₂ as this year. Photo: AP Lowest in 120 years A positive sign in the report is that emissions from coal in Western countries are now lower than for many years. In the USA, CO₂ emissions have not been this low in 120 years. – Emissions from coal consumption in the USA are now down to levels last seen in 1903, says Robbie Andrew at Cicero. This is primarily due to the closure of coal-fired power plants and cheaper natural gas. Emissions from fossil fuels have also fallen sharply in Europe. In the EU, CO₂ emissions from fossil sources are expected to decrease by 7.4 per cent in 2023. One of the reasons is that more and more renewable energy is coming onto the market. At the same time, last winter was exceptionally mild, which meant that you didn’t need to fire so much. Climate change has led to Canada experiencing the worst forest fire summer of all time this year. Activists protested outside Parliament in Ottawa this fall. Photo: AP – When not 1.5 degrees Korsbakken says that the figures in the report show that it is not realistic to achieve the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees: – If we do not reduce emissions at all, then the limit for 1.5 degrees will be crossed in as little as seven years. So we don’t think that’s really realistic now, he says. – So the next target is perhaps 1.7 degrees. Then we have about twice as much time. But with today’s pace, it is unlikely that we will be able to hold on to that goal as well. adds Korsbakken. He is supported by Professor Pierre Friedlingstein at, of Exeter’s Global Systems Institute, who has also been on the leadership team for the report. – It now seems inevitable that we will exceed the 1.5 degree target in the Paris Agreement. The leaders at the climate summit in Dubai must agree on rapid cuts in CO₂ if we are to manage to keep the goal of 2.0 degrees alive, says Friedlingstein. – Stop digging Glen Peters refers to an old saying when it comes to what Norway should do to cut its emissions. He points out that large parts of Norwegian emissions come from the production of oil and gas. At the same time, the government and the majority in the Storting want to continue looking for oil and gas. – If you are in a hole, the first thing you have to do is stop digging, is Peter’s comment on Norwegian politics. What is the climate summit, and what will happen this year
