Strong criticism of the amusement park Gröna Lund in Stockholm after a fatal accident in June 2023 – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The Swedish National Accident Investigation Board will strongly criticize Gröna Lund amusement park in Stockholm after an accident in the summer of 2023. This will be revealed at a press conference on Friday, as shown by SVT. The accident occurred on 25 June 2023. A support arm on the underside of the leading carriage snapped, causing the entire train to brake strongly. Then three passengers were thrown from the train. A woman died in the accident. There were several errors that led to the accident, including at system level, the National Accident Investigation Board believes. SVT writes that, among other things, it is about the theme park not having good enough methods to identify risks in the park. The Accident Investigation Board also believes that it was not clear enough who was responsible for safety. After the accident, a man was sitting and waiting to get down. Published 14.06.2024, at 10.23 Updated 14.06.2024, at 10.32
