Strong attacks against the press before Kjøll was crushed by Al-Samarai – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Berit Kjøll has finished as sports president. It is clear after opposing candidate Zaineb Al-Samarai received 138 votes. Kjøll received 29. The audience stood up and clapped, congratulated and hugged the new president, but there were probably few who were surprised. NEW PRESIDENT: Zaineb Al-Samarai Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB 35-year-old Zaineb Al-Samarai was the favorite to win Sunday’s election. A survey carried out by news showed that several weeks ago she had already secured massive support both in circles and special associations. The majority in the selection committee also had Al-Samarai as their preferred candidate. But the Sports Council’s third day was still not without temperature. The Norwegian press in particular got a kick out of it. Uhrenholdt Jacobsen: – Genuinely concerned At 10.15 on Sunday morning the election started. By then, the Sports Council had been meeting since Friday morning, and more than 15 hours of negotiations and debate had been covered. But it was only on day three that the gathering really caught fire. Board member Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen took the floor to criticize both the negative focus of the press and what she described as ignorant claims. TAKE THE WORD: Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen had a lot on her mind. Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB – We have put behind us a period with an unusually large number of issues about Norwegian sports in the media. It is a sad realization that far too little has been about achievements, said Jacobsen. – We don’t need more unvarnished attacks against colleagues in forums that never leave room for good dialogue, she continued from the podium, probably referring to board member Marco Elsafadi’s statements about Berit Kjøll earlier this year. The former cross-country runner further pointed out that hard work and patience always pay off in executive sports. – Now I am genuinely concerned that voluntary sports are different from this, she said with great empathy, before she received a standing ovation from the hall. “The world championship in talking badly about Berit Kjøll” Anne Farseth, president of the Norwegian Athletics Federation, and Anne Lise Bratberg from Trøndelag sports circle also criticized the media’s role in the election campaign. The latter accused the press of witch-hunting, and she admitted that she was nervous on the podium for the first time during the Sports Council. Handball president Kåre Geir Lio, Kjøll’s most high-profile supporter, also spent time highlighting everything that has been going on behind the scenes. – It must have been demanding for Berit, to be reviled in what is called the “world championship in talking badly about Berit Kjøll”. When one of your people wanted your job without saying anything, when you are honored by a sports board member in the national media. When parts of your own team went against you in the media. When you are accused of lying by employees in your own organisation. When the media know more than you about the board’s inner life. It must have been difficult, Lio rambled on. He gave her his full support and praised the work that had been done: – You chose a firm course while the slander machinery was rolling. – It’s about credibility The presidential candidates themselves also got off on stage. – I can’t do everything, said Al-Samarai, before she rambled on about how she would solve the presidency. SPEECH: Zaineb Al-Samarai Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB – Through the experience I have gained as an athlete and shop steward at the top and bottom, and four years on the sports board, I believe that I know where the shoe presses in most parts of Norwegian sports . And what I don’t know, I will learn about, she added. She explained that she will be out in the communities and listen. – It’s about credibility in the issues, explained Al-Samarai. Berit Kjøll entered the stage after her. – It has been four rewarding and challenging years. With many strokes. But I am very grateful for the trust you showed me. This time I am the sitting president, but even now I feel like a challenger after everything that has been said and written recently, Kjøll said from the podium. DONE: Berit Kjøll during the Sports Council in Bergen. Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB
