Stricter punishment after the Frogner murder – Latest news – news

11 October 2023 at 10:53 Tougher punishment after the Frogner murder The Court of Appeal toughens the punishment for the Frogner murder to 17 years in prison. In the district court, the accused man from Bærum was sentenced to prison for 13 years and 6 months. The central question for the Court of Appeal was whether the murder was premeditated. The Borgarting Court of Appeal, in contrast to the district court’s majority, unanimously concluded that the murder was committed with premeditation. The man had shot and killed a former business associate in the open street on Frogner in Oslo. The Court of Appeal also upheld the survivors’ appeal for compensation. Each of the survivors will receive NOK 400,000 in compensation. Defense attorney Marius Ihlebæk tells news that he is busy in court and therefore has not had time to review the verdict. He therefore has no comment this Wednesday morning.
