Strict secrecy before fluorine testing – Norwegian lubrication chief against the union – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Just outside the biathlon stadium here in Östersund, the IBU has set up a makeshift tent. The tent cloth is buttoned up and the staff at work ensure that no one gets a sneak peek. – Can we come in? – No, no filming, they answer shortly. In the tent is the test device that the IBU and the International Skiing and Snowboarding Federation (FIS) have developed to uncover fluoride cheating. Next season, all fluoride lubrication will be prohibited, after attempts have been made to introduce the ban for a number of years. Before this year’s season, it was postponed once again, but now the confederations have come further in the process than before. Photo: Sindre Lie / news The device is now ready for a general test in the Swedish winter metropolis. During the next biathlon races, the IBU will test all the skis with the device for the very first time. The aim is to test the logistics and routines before the ban comes into force. Thus, they have asked all the nations to hand in the athletes’ skis half an hour before each individual runner is due to start. An official will then take care of the skis and give them back to the athletes just before they leave the starting blocks. The test device will be used for the first time before the women’s normal distance on Thursday. You can watch the race on news 1 from 13.10. Missing dialogue But when news has repeatedly asked the IBU to get a review of how the apparatus and logistics will work, the association has said no. – The IBU is testing the procedure during competition for the first time in Östersund. As this is a laboratory test, this will be an area that the media does not have access to at the moment, the association writes in an email. Even a non-competition demonstration will not be given to news by the IBU. And we are not alone. Norway’s head of lubrication, Tobias Dahl Fenre, has asked the IBU to observe this week’s tests, but has not received a response from the union. OWN APPARATUS: The Norwegian greasers have bought their own test apparatus, and showed it to news during the start of the season in Kontiolahti. Photo: Hanne Skjellum / news The secrecy and the lack of answers from the union is not new to him. Fenre has missed more dialogue and inclusion with the federation leaders throughout the process of developing the fluoride apparatus. – What is difficult is that the decision is made at the top, and that there is too little communication down in the system with those who will actually implement this and do the work, Fenre tells news. He believes that the expertise of the lubricators should have been used to a greater extent in the development and implementation of the testing. – The pressure is great As the plan is in Östersund, the skiers will have to hand in their skis earlier than normal, and especially for the second race of the competition day, time will be tight. Thus, the new arrangement will affect the work of the greasers this weekend. – We constantly try to communicate with everyone we can, and I feel that we have a good dialogue with those who work closely with this here in the IBU. But the challenge in all such situations is that this is a political system and there is too little direct communication with those who make the decision, i.e. those who sit on the board and have high titles, explains Fenre. He believes that there is a lot of prestige for the IBU in this general test. – I would say the pressure on IBU is very great, and there is also great pressure on us as lubricators and service equipment. It is a difficult situation for everyone, says the lubrication manager. Therefore, this season the IBU has intensified its work to implement the ban before next season. – We have employed a dedicated group to ensure effective controls, that we uncover prohibited products, to develop the test procedures and to communicate with the teams. This group, which is responsible for the implementation of the fluoride ban, has been present at several competitions this season and has been available to Dahl Fenre, the IBU writes in an email. The Norwegian lubrication manager is hopeful before this week’s tests, but does not feel confident about anything as of today. – The big question is the machine itself and the system they have created to detect whether you use fluoride or not. There we have too little information to be able to have any impression of whether it will work or not, concludes Fenre.
