Strengthens the Armed Forces with 6.8 billion – most of which is used in Northern Norway – news Troms and Finnmark

The government proposes a defense budget of NOK 75.8 billion, an increase of NOK 6.8 billion compared to the balanced budget for 2022. This is an increase of around 9.8 per cent. – The government plans to spend around NOK 1.2 billion on the defense sector’s real estate projects and construction projects in Troms and Finnmark in 2023, says Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp). In addition, the government is planning material investments of around NOK 3.8 billion. The funds are used for investments for the cavalry battalion at Porsangmoen camp, including the acquisition of housing and facilities, as well as shooting and training ranges, he says. Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) brought good news about the national budget when he landed in Kirkenes today. Photo: Kristin Humstad / news The artillery battalion continues the build-up to strengthen combat air defense and new artillery fire in 2023. The build-up of the Porsanger battalion with support elements at the Garrison in Porsanger continues where the departments are part of Finnmark land defence. This is how the money will be used: The government is planning material investments for around NOK 3.8 billion. NOK 1.2 billion will go to the defense sector’s real estate projects and construction projects in Troms and Finnmark in 2023. NOK 950 million will go to the defense sector’s real estate projects and construction projects in Trøndelag in 2023 The government will spend NOK 100 million on better housing and working conditions for personnel. The measures are aimed at both conscripts and employees in the armed forces. The government has proposed funds for adaptation to new submarines and maintenance dredging of the main quay in Ramsund. The government proposes to strengthen the Navy by a total of 37 man-years in 2023. The Home Guard will be strengthened by 500 people, from 37,000 to 37,500. The army will be strengthened by 64 man-years in 2023. The personnel increase will be prioritized for Finnmark Land Defense and Brigade Nord. The government proposes to set aside close to half a billion kroner to increase stocks of ammunition. In addition, the government will use NOK 420 million to continue measures for increased civil preparedness. Satisfied Porsanger mayor – This is primarily important for safety and preparedness in Finnmark. In addition, it is positive for social development and business in our region, which is an important premise for Norway’s defense capability, says mayor of Porsanger, Aina Borch (Ap). She points out that with increased investment, the authorities are contributing to a safer infrastructure in a municipality that for many years experienced a downsizing of the Armed Forces. Now the trend has reversed. – When there are more employees in the defense and in our local companies, I think it will make room for more people to move and settle in Porsanger. Satisfied that the trend has reversed: – This can slow down the demographic bias that has taken hold during the period of decommissioning of the defence, stresses Porsanger mayor Aina Borch. Photo: Biret Inga Kemi / news – With measures such as free daycare and quicker write-offs of student loans, it should become even more attractive to live than to commute. This can slow down the demographic bias that has become entrenched in the period of the downsizing of the defence, emphasizes Borch. Strengthening the army in the north The army will be strengthened by 64 man-years in 2023. The personnel increase will be prioritized for Finnmark Land Defense and Brigade North. The government also earmarks funds to improve barracks at, among others, Høybuktmoen, Porsanger and Bardufoss. The staffing in Brigade Nord is distributed between Troms and Rena. – It is absolutely necessary to strengthen the defense budget now. There is a serious security policy situation in Europe, and we have to take care of our security and preparedness, says Gram – An increase of 6.8 billion. What is the most important thing you do? – We ensure that the armed forces can carry out their missions, operations, be present and have activity here and now. Therefore, we are making a shift from investments to necessary operations, and are also strengthening the intelligence and capacity we have for monitoring. – This is also a strengthening of the defense in Finnmark? – It absolutely is. The defense in Troms and Finnmark is very important and we attach considerable importance to strengthening this part of the country. – How important is the international situation to the priorities you have now made? – It is very important because we have to deal with the situation we are in. Strengthening the defense is a long-term project, but we must ensure that we have operational capability here and now. That is why we have emphasized precisely that, emphasizes Gram. Chief of Finnmark Land Defence, Tomas Beck, has good reason to be satisfied. Photo: Torbjørn Kjosvold / Armed Forces Colonel Tomas Beck is head of Finnmark’s land defence, and comments on the state budget as follows: – I haven’t been able to read the figures, but in general it looks very positive for us, he says. Bardu mayor makes demands Mayor of the defense municipality of Bardu, Toralf Heimdal (Sp), says the defense budget is the largest he has ever seen. – There is an increase of close to 10 per cent, which is a huge boost. The challenge now is to translate this into defensive capability, he says. Heimdal leads the municipality that houses the Norwegian Armed Forces’ largest military camp, Setermoen camp. The camp houses the Armored Battalion, the Sanitation Battalion, the Artillery Battalion and the Intelligence Battalion. Despite record numbers in the state budget, he believes that money alone cannot reduce the response time. – I miss incentive schemes to get commanders and employees to settle in the army’s core area, which is inner Troms. – It is crucial to reduce the reaction time, now that we are in an unsafe phase with everything that is happening with Russia, says Heimdal. – We must get incentive schemes that make commanders and employees settle in inner Troms, says mayor of Bardu, Toralf Heimdal. Photo: Rune Nordgård Andreassen Will strengthen the entire Air Force – We haven’t had a chance to fully familiarize ourselves with the state budget yet, but are quite satisfied that the Air Force is being strengthened and that, among other things, the investment in air defense continues as planned, says Chief of the Air Force, Major General Rolf Folland to news. In 2023, the Air Force will continue the development of the air defense. – Air defense is important to protect our air bases and for the Air Force to be able to provide combat power, says Folland. NOK 950 million will go to the defense sector’s real estate projects and building and construction projects in Trøndelag in 2023. Improvements to the main runway will continue. The Chief of Defense has this comment on the budget: – It is a good budget that follows the escalation laid out in the long-term plan for the Armed Forces. Preparedness, personnel and competence are important areas of focus, says Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen. More personnel and equipment for the Norwegian Navy The government proposes to strengthen the Norwegian Navy by a total of 37 man-years in 2023. A proportion of the increase in personnel is to be prioritized for the Ramsund naval station. The government has also proposed funds for adaptation to new submarines and maintenance dredging of the main quay in Ramsund. New investments have also been proposed to strengthen the Army’s departments in the north. This applies to, among other things, anti-aircraft defenses, portable anti-aircraft defenses, combat vehicles, cargo vehicles, engineering equipment and paving/engineering armored vehicles. Firing range in Bardufoss The Storting has decided to initiate the development of Akkasæter in Blåtind firing range, thereby supporting the development of, and arranging for, allied training and exercises. This project is planned by Forsvarsbygg to be completed in 2023. A storage hall is also being built at Bardufoss to cover the need for satisfactory storage of military equipment and material for allied aircraft divisions, and a hall for temporary garages for allied aircraft and helicopters, says Gram. The Home Guard will once again come out of the state budget well. In addition to increasing the number of soldiers by 500 people, there must be more training. Photo: Allan Klo / news More for the Home Guard The Home Guard is being strengthened by 500 people, from 37,000 to 37,500. – This is a cautious but realistic start to our plan, and it is in line with military professional advice, says Gram. In addition, the government wants a larger part of the area structure to practice every year. In total, the two measures are budgeted at NOK 94 million. Bernt Lockert, commander HV-17. Photo: Allan Klo / news The management of HV-17 Finnmark is naturally very satisfied with the state budget. – Increased activity is necessary and it seems that the budget provides a framework for it. If we are also given room to force smaller investments in material and construction, it will further increase operational capability.
