Straumstans in Stockholm – eleven people stuck on top of the Globe – Latest news – news

9 July 2023 at 17:45 Straumstans in Stockholm – eleven people were stuck on top of the Globe Aftonbladet reports. The Skyview attraction at Globen is said to have stopped due to a major power outage in the south of Stockholm. According to the newspaper, 11 people were stuck in the attraction which is located on top of the 85 meter high building. – There is no air here and it is very hot. Two people have a fear of heights and there are children here too. We only have one water bottle which is about to run out, one of those who are stuck tells the newspaper. The rescue service helped to get the passengers down from the almost hundred meter high building. A little after 19:00 Aftonbladet writes that all the passengers have been taken down.
