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In Iceland, the dissatisfaction is so great that legal help has been requested. – I, together with other handball players, have consulted with lawyers regarding potential isolation in the handball World Cup, writes the Icelandic national team player Björgvin Páll Gústavsson in a letter to the IHF which he has shared on Twitter. The IHF has decided that both players and managers must be corona tested before they arrive at their bases in the host countries Sweden and Poland. New test rounds await before the main round and the quarter-finals. In the event of a positive test, five days of isolation await. A negative test is also required to get out of quarantine. GOALKEEPER: Gústavsson says he and several other players are considering taking the IHF to court if they are imposed on isolation. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB – Strange and sad Both the Swedish and Danish World Cup squads have reacted strongly to the IHF’s corona measures, which are stricter than the corona restrictions in Sweden and Poland, which Gústavsson also emphasizes. – It’s a damn shame when you play the WC at home and can’t live like we live in Sweden now, says Michael Apelgren, assistant coach of the Swedish national team, to Aftonbladet. – Society is totally open, but then we have to be 20 men who go directly to the changing room, because we have to fear a positive test and have our dream crushed. It’s laughable that we can’t be there for the supporters, says the Danes’ Mathias Gidsel to Ekstra Bladet. SKEPTICAL: Norway’s full-back Sander Sagosen. Photo: BERNADETT SZABO / Reuters Norway’s star player Sander Sagosen is also puzzled by the strict coronary restrictions: – It’s a bit strange and a bit sad that we are going to enter a bubble where we have to be much stricter than society on testing in relation to the country we are going to be in. I find that strange, says Sagosen to news. Captain Christian O’Sullivan would have liked to see the rules relaxed. – You saw a soccer World Cup where you didn’t have these rules that worked very well. We are used to these rules, but we would have liked them to be a little more liberal so that we could live as we do on a daily basis, he says to news. – Are you trying to destroy our sport? Norway’s new national team manager Jonas Wille will not spend much energy on the strict rules, but admits that corona is still a concern. – We know that if you get an infection, it has a fairly clear consequence for that player, and it can spread to the rest of the team, so we treat this with respect. But you have to find a balance that allows you to survive for 30 days, says Wille to news. The International Handball Federation (IHF) has not responded to news’s ​​inquiry. Icelandic Gústavsson first posted a reaction to the corona restrictions on Tuesday 3 January. It has received over 1000 likes. There he asked: – Are you trying to destroy our sport? HARD OUT: Icelander Björgvin Páll Gústavsson posts on Twitter. Photo: @BjoggiGustavs / Twitter Gústavsson, who is a goalkeeper for the club team SC Magdeburg in Germany and for Iceland’s men’s national team, then chose to write a letter to the IHF. Here he points to fundamental human rights. He further writes in the letter that players who are placed in isolation will potentially take the organizer to court. – If the IHF considers this a protective measure for players, they achieve the opposite, and I think I speak for everyone. The covid trauma from the previous championship is still deep in players and disturbs athletes who are healthy as a fish more than covid, writes the Icelander. The Handball World Cup in Poland and Sweden starts on Wednesday 11 January. You can follow the entire championship on news sport on the radio.
