Stormed school to save their children – police waited in the hallway – NRK Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Tuesday, 19 children and two teachers were shot and killed at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. In addition, 17 people were injured, after the perpetrator is said to have fired at least 100 shots. 18-year-old Salvador Ramos was detained for more than an hour inside the school before he was shot and killed by US border guards. It shows the police’s own timeline. Grieving families after the school shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The shooting is the worst since the Sandy Hook shooting ten years ago. Photo: NURI VALLBONA / Reuters Meanwhile, desperate parents were waiting outside. One of them was Angeli Rose Gomez, the mother of two students at the school. She eventually took matters into her own hands. Handcuffed When Gomez heard about the shooting that was going on at the school her children were attending, she got in the car and drove about 60 km to Robb Elementary. She tells the Wall Street Journal. She and several other parents stood outside the barricades and asked the police to go to the school and pick up their children. Finally, a police officer got bored and handcuffed her. Gomez was arrested for meddling in an ongoing investigation. However, she discovered some local police officers from Uvalde that she knew, and persuaded them to remove the handcuffs. A police officer is on guard at an intersection in Uvalde, Texas after the school shooting on Tuesday this week. Photo: ALLISON DINNER / AFP At one point, at least 19 police officers were waiting in the hallway outside the classrooms where the shooter had killed several school children. See the full overview of the course of events in the timeline below. As the tragedy unfolded 47 minutes before the killer was stopped, at least 19 police officers were in the hallway outside the classrooms where the shooting took place. Such were the dramatic minutes, according to police, in which 19 children and two teachers were shot and killed on Tuesday, May 24 at Robb Primary School in Uvalde, Texas. 18-year-old Salvador Ramos crashes the pick-up he drives into a ditch. Two men at a funeral home see Ramos get out of the car with a rifle and a backpack. Ramos shoots at the men, but misses. Photo: Pete Luna / Uvalde Leader-News / Reuters The first telephone for the emergency number 911 is registered. A crashed car, a man with a weapon and shooting are reported. One of the school’s security officers (School Resource Officer) sets course for the school. The killer is in the school parking lot. Partly hidden behind a car, he shoots at the school building. One of the school’s security officers drives past the killer and continues to the other side of the school. He confronts someone he thinks is the shooter, but who turns out to be a teacher. The killer enters the school building. In a short time, he fires over a hundred shots in classrooms 111 and 112. Photo: NURI VALLBONA / Reuters Three police officers enter the school building through the same door that the perpetrator used. Shortly afterwards, four colleagues follow, so that there are now seven police officers in the building. The first three police officers go to one of the classrooms where the shooting took place. The door is locked, and the perpetrator shoots. Two of the officers are injured after stray shots. According to the police log, 16 shots were fired. Then it is shot again and again, at regular intervals. In the photo below, on-site police are helping children at the school escape through a window. NRK does not know the exact time when the photo was taken. Photo: Pete Luna / Uvalde Leader-News / Reuters More and more police are coming to the school. There are now “at least” 19 police officers in the hallway outside the classrooms where the killer is. A girl calls the emergency number 911 and whispers that she is in room 112. The call lasts 1 minute and 22 seconds. Seven minutes later, the same girl calls again and says that several have been killed. Three minutes later, she calls again. A special force from the border guard arrives at the scene. They are heavily armed and carry shields that protect against shots. NRK does not know exactly when the photo below was taken. Photo: Pete Luna / Uvalde Leader-News / Reuters The same girl from earlier calls the emergency number and says that eight or nine students are still alive. Another person calls the emergency number, but hangs up after a student asks her to do so. The girl who has called several times before is now urging: “Please send the police now”. Three minutes later she says she can hear the police outside. Using keys from the caretaker, the special forces from the border police unlock the door to the classroom where the perpetrator is. Police shoot and kill the 18-year-old. 19 children and two teachers were killed by the perpetrator’s bullets. In addition, several children and adults were injured, several of them critically. The picture below shows an improvised memorial site outside the school after the attack. Each cross bears the name of one of the victims. Photo: CHANDAN KHANNA / AFP Show more Entered the school Gomez realized that she had to act. She believes the police officers outside the school did not do enough. – They just stood outside the fence. They did not go in and they did not run anywhere, Gomez told WSJ. As soon as Gomez was free from handcuffs, she walked away from the others, jumped over the fence, and ran into the school. While the shooter was still active. A sea of ​​flowers outside Robb Elementary School after the shooting Tuesday this week. 19 children and two teachers were killed. Photo: Michael M. Santiago / AFP Several fathers must have tried the same thing. Some jumped over the fences and smashed windows into classrooms to rescue their children, a witness told the New York Post. Inside the school, the school children call the emergency number and tell that their friends have been killed. American border guards are finally able to unlock the classroom where the shooter was with a key from one of the school’s caretakers. They shoot Salvador Ramos and start the evacuation work. Police dismiss the allegations A spokesman for the US Marshal Service denies the allegations from Gomez. The agency tells the WSJ that none of their officers left anyone in the iron outside Robb Elementary. According to Gomez, however, she was not the only parent arrested by the police. She tells the WSJ that she saw one father being tackled, and another sprayed with pepper spray. A third is said to have been shot with an electric shock weapon. “They did not do it to the shooter, but they did it to us,” Gomez told the WSJ, referring to himself and the other parents.
