Støre must answer in the Debate on the Kjerkol case – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– I assess my trust in Kjerkol based on the work she does as a minister. Then there is a matter related to her activities as a student before she joined the government. Her school must answer those questions, says Jonas Gahr Støre. Tonight, Støre answers several questions related to the Kjerkol case. Jonas Gahr Støre answers in the Debate, where, among other things, the plagiarism charges against Minister of Health and Care Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) are the topic. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news He says that he has seen the similarities between her master’s thesis and other texts, but emphasizes again that it is up to Nord University to assess the matter. But can you live with uncertainty with Kjerkol if this process takes time? – It has to take the time it needs to take. This has to do with legal certainty, he explains and emphasizes that Kjerkol has the right to have the case treated the same for her as for other students. – Borch made the decision herself When Sandra Borch (Sp) resigned following revelations about plagiarism in her master’s thesis, Støre stated that her mistake was incompatible with being a minister. But when it comes to Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap), Støre has said on several occasions that he has confidence in him as a minister. Health and Care Minister Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) has refuted the accusations of plagiarism, but has said that she should have been clearer with the source reference. Photo: William Jobling / news When asked why Borch did not receive the same treatment of her plagiarism case, Støre replies that it was Borch who withdrew. – Borch drew the conclusion himself that what had emerged did not make it possible for him to continue as minister of research and higher education. Støre does not want to answer what is happening if it turns out that Kjerkol has also plagiarized. – Based on trust Kjerkol himself has said that certain parts of the assignment are similar to other texts due to the use of the same method. She later added that the similarities were also a result of editing errors in the assignment and the lack of correct citation. Here the professor shows how easily Kjerkol could have quoted correctly. Støre says the practice today is not to text analyze the master’s or doctoral degrees of their ministers. Nor was it done when Oddmund Hoel took over for Borch. – It may well happen that SMK will have to start text analyzing all publications, but we are not there yet. I think it is right that we base it on trust, says Støre. – Most painful The departure of Borch means that so far there are six ministers who have had to leave their posts. Støre underlines that three of them had to resign because of relationships from before they became ministers. – It is one of the most painful things one has to do as prime minister. Asking a colleague who you know works hard to resign, he says. – People out there ask if those who sit at the top of society do not face consequences if they make mistakes. I want to show that they have consequences. On Saturday, VG revealed that parts of Kjerkol’s master’s thesis are identical to a previously published master’s thesis. Since then, news and other media have discovered several similarities between her assignment and other texts.
