Stops treatment of patients with “long-covid” – despite good results – news Vestland

Under the auspices of Helse Bergen, Helse i Hardanger has offered help to people from all over the country who are struggling with shortness of breath and exhaustion after covid-19 infection. The treatment center is located right by the Hardangerfjord in Øystese in Kvam. Since April 2021, they have had this offer. – We have very exciting results. We see that sick leave is decreasing. They come back to work and back to the life they had before covid, says project manager Bente Frisk. But now the offer has stopped. Long covid What are the late effects of covid-19? For most people, covid-19 is a mild and transitory illness, but some suffer persistent problems beyond the acute phase. Such long-lasting symptoms have previously been reported after a number of other infections, and it is therefore not surprising that some people experience late effects after covid-19. Common symptoms Among people with covid-19 who were not admitted to hospital, the most commonly reported symptoms 6-12 months after the illness are: Impaired memory Altered sense of taste and/or smell Fatigue/tiredness Impaired ability to think and concentrate (so-called ” brain fog”) Heavy breathing Source: FHI Praises the scheme Patients who do not get rid of their ailments have been able to receive intensive and close follow-up over several days, adapted to their personal needs. A method which was actually developed for mental compulsive disorders, but which can therefore be used for other health problems and. Hans Gunnar Hagen is one of the patients who praised the scheme in Øystese when he met news last year. – It is worth its weight in gold and it has made my everyday much easier. I wouldn’t be where I am now without them, he says. Hans Gunnar Hagen has struggled with the after-effects of covid-19. He praises the treatment plan. Photo: Oddgeir Øystese / news Many on the waiting list Project manager Frisk says there were many people on the waiting list hoping to receive treatment. Now they are told that no one else can get a place. – We see that there is a great need. She receives phone calls from desperate patients who want help. – It happens every week that people call and ask if it is possible to stay with us. People from all over the country. Bente Frisk shows off the test room for Health in Hardanger. Photo: Stian Sørum Røkenes / news Has no money But in a tight budget, Helse Bergen has not found the money to continue what is initially a pilot project. – We have been on the journey, and exciting services have been developed which can probably mean something for the future, but we do not have the finances for this project now, says managing director Eivind Hansen at Helse Bergen. CEO of Helse Bergen, Eivind Hansen. Photo: Henrik Hauken / news There is still hope But all hope is not lost for the scheme for Health in Hardanger. A new treatment offer for COPD patients is up and running. And they hope to raise the offer for those with “long covid”. – The usual thing in healthcare is that it takes some time to get new things into ordinary treatment, says Frisk. Therefore, she is now collecting as many results as possible, and hopes to be able to offer intensive treatment for “long covid” during the year. – Among other things, we will apply for future tenders in Helse Vest. The treatment center is located right by the Hardangerfjord in Øystese in Kvam. Photo: Tale Hauso
