Stopped car with nail mat on E39 – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– The driver of the car refused to stop for a check, says operations manager in the Agder police, Linn Andresen. This is what triggered the car chase around five o’clock on Friday morning. The car, which had a stolen boat on a trailer behind it, was tried to be stopped at a checkpoint in Søgne, but drove on in the direction of Laudal. Early in the car chase, the trailer must have overturned. – It happened quite early. The rest of the pursuit was only after a car with two people, says Andresen. Less than an hour after the car chase started, it was decided to lay out a nail mat. The car was then on the E39 near Ime, a little west of Mandal. – The car drove over the mat and had to stop in the end, says the operations manager. Two people were thus arrested. The driver is suspected of drunken driving. – The car in question will be towed in. Boat and pick-up will be taken over by the owner in Kristiansand, says Andresen.
