Stjernekamp 2023 – hip-hop and shows, 14 October – Reviews and recommendations

There are probably several of the participants who are extra excited tonight. Only Damien is at home in the hip-hop genre, and especially Odd René, the man who always does well, will probably have to struggle tonight. For the first time, he will be completely out of his comfort zone, and then it will be extra exciting to see how he interprets OnklP and the Fjerne Slektningene’s smash hit “Ugly on the back”. Otherwise, Tone Damli seems to have made a smart choice with MIA and “Paper Planes”. Here she also gets to show some vocals, so the pitch is definitely cut to the metaphorical bone. Among the participants in general, there are no big surprises in the song selection, so I don’t imagine any huge banana peels in the hip-hop part of the broadcast. The same applies to shows, a genre most people tend to have few problems interpreting credibly. Mari Bella has chosen a song by Trygve Skaug, the poet without poetic sense. It may turn out to be fateful, but if I know Mari correctly, she can probably transform even the flattest text into something usable. Aleksander has gone for the very most classic: Halvdan Sivertsen’s “Kjærlighetsvisa”. Once again, you have to perform something very original in order to impress – choosing an all-male show is not at all the wisest thing to do in Stjernekamp. But! I still have faith in Odd René, not just tonight, but as the winner of the entire competition. He is by far the best vocalist, and has shown impressive versatility. Now, unfortunately, I think Mari Bella has gone as far as she can in this competition, and I’m holding a button that she has to leave the competition tonight. The excitement is rising, so stay tuned when the Stjernekamp gang will try their hand at both hip-hop and shows! The evening’s performances in order: Hip-hop: Mari Bella: “Hope” Photo: Jonathan Kise / news Odd René Andersen: “Styggen på ryggen” By OnklP & De Fjerne Slektningene (2014) Photo: Jonathan Kise / news Tone Damli: “Paper Planes” Photo: Jonathan Kise / news Aleksander With: “Who is she” Photo: Jonathan Kise / news Damien: “Intergalactic” Photo: Jonathan Kise / news Show: Mari Bella: “It passes” Photo: Jonathan Kise / news Odd René Andersen : “Our best day” By Erik Bye (1998, published 2003) Photo: Jonathan Kise / news Tone Damli: “Josefin” By Albin Lee Meldau (2021) Photo: Jonathan Kise / news Aleksander With: “Kjærlighetsvisa” By Halvdan Sivertsen ( 1979) Photo: Jonathan Kise / news Damien: “A grandfather in life” Photo: Jonathan Kise / news Hi! I’m Espen. I am a freelancer who writes about music and humor for news. You’ll find all the latest at
