Stine Bredal Oftedal went ahead

18 November 2022 at 19:19 Denmark to the final in the handball EC for the first time in 18 years Denmark is ready for the final in the handball EC for the first time since 2004 after beating Montenegro 27-23. – It is completely surreal. We have fought so hard for that final in the last two years and failed twice, said Mie Enggrob Hojlund, who scored Denmark’s last goal, to news. – Knowing that it’s been 18 years since the last time… It’s so great what we’ve achieved. We must remember to pat ourselves on the back. But we are also hungry for more, she continues. Denmark and Montenegro followed each other closely in the first minutes of the match, before the Montenegrins took a 6–3 lead. They had several opportunities to increase their lead against Denmark, but instead the Danes closed the gap and took the lead, which they held until the break. Much thanks to Emma Friis with five scores. Jaukovic and Radicevic largely carried Montenegro in the first half. Just before the break, Trine Østergaard was sent off and a direct free throw is awarded in the 30th minute. – I think it’s absolutely beautiful because she pushes the Montenegrin winger with two straight arms. There is no reason to do that, says news’s ​​expert commentator Marit Malm Frafjord. It’s 14-10 at half-time when an intense atmosphere spreads in the stadium: Sarah Iversen, who does not play the first half, rages against Ivona Pavicevic. – Sarah Iversen goes and screams at the girl who misses. It is simply unsportsmanlike. What are you doing there, Iversen? She also gets a pipe concert. It’s fine to be hot at the top, but that one is not nice, says news’s ​​commentator Patrick Sten Rowlands. The Danes only score three goals during the first quarter of the second half. But the Montenegrins are not using the momentum well enough. – We initially called for more people from Montenegro to sign up. They have done that, but now Jaukovic has died, says Sten Rowlands. A small hope lived for the women from the Balkans who had regained faith in themselves. With a Danish expulsion on the eve of the half, they were outnumbered. Nevertheless, the Danes increased their lead to four goals, which lasted until the end of the match. The Danes will meet France or Norway in the final on Sunday. When asked who Denmark wants to meet, national team coach Jesper Jensen says the following: – My heart is rooting for Norway, while my brain is rooting for France.
