Still unclear when the Follobanen will open – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

7 February 2023 at 11:35 Still unclear when Follobanen will open It is still unclear when Follobanen will reopen, but test runs are being stepped up, writes Bane Nor in a press release. – The test run with the train went well last night as well. We have not yet discovered any errors, and the system is working as it should, they write. During the night to Tuesday, three double train sets ran at full speed through the tunnel runs. Nights to Wednesdays are stepped up to four double train sets. – The test run will gradually be stepped up, and we will test the facility both during the day, evening and night. As of now, no new opening date has been set for the Follobanen, writes Bane Nor in the end.
