Still don’t know if the accused had accomplices – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

On Friday 22 July, the police will meet the press to update on the Oslo shooting in June this year. Police prosecutor Børge Enoksen and Acting Head of the Joint Operational Service, Gunn Anita Bjørnbakk, are present at the press conference. They are now certain when the first shots were fired that night. They have presented the following timeline: 01:12:08 – The accused gets off the tram 01:12:48 – The first shot is fired 01:13:27 – The first message to the police 01:14:16 – The accused is laid to the ground by civilians 01:14:26 – Operations manager reads out a message on the mission to the crew outside with an order to arm 01:15:17 – Operations manager defines the mission as PLIVO (ongoing life-threatening violence) 01:18:47 – The police arrest the accused Previously, the police assumed that the the first shot was fired at 01:12:57. They have therefore corrected the time by nine seconds after carrying out several investigations. See news’s ​​timeline here. The police commend the civilians who contributed to the arrest. – In our view, civilians have put themselves in danger and prevented him from doing anything more this evening, says Enoksen. 12 people who helped overpower the perpetrator have been given the status of offended. Including these twelve, there are 69 people the police consider to be victims. The two dead are among them. It is still unclear whether more people were involved. On Friday, it is four weeks since Zaniar Matapour opened fire on several nightclubs in Rosenkrantz’ gate. He killed two people and injured several others. He is charged with murder, attempted murder and having carried out a terrorist act. The person accused of the attack, Zaniar Matapour, has nevertheless said he is willing to allow himself to be examined, as long as one of the defenders is present. Photo: The police It is still unclear what was the motive for the attack. The police have several hypotheses. These are that the attack may have been an extremist Islamist terrorist attack, a hate crime, or that Matapour is mentally ill. – We cannot exclude one from the other. It can be a combination, says Enoksen. It is still not clear to the police whether Matapour had an accomplice, and to what extent the attack was planned. – Whether it has been planned and the reason for the action is very central. And whether he has had assistants is still unclear. I cannot go into detail about the status there now, says Enoksen. – What could they have contributed to? – They may, for example, have contributed to having planned this action. Police car was nearby At the press conference it emerged that a car from the Oslo police district with police officers inside was parked near the scene when the shooting intensified. VG mentioned this car earlier on Friday. Gunn Anita Bjørnbakk cannot say anything about what errand they were out on. – It is a police car from the Oslo police district. We know it was there, but can’t say anything more about it. Investigation and evaluation will answer that, she tells news after the press conference. Nor does she want to say whether the police officers in this car helped arrest Matapour. Wants to be examined Whether he is mentally ill is important for the police to find out. They will do this through a so-called preliminary observation. Matapour, on the other hand, did not want to be investigated. The Oslo district court therefore last week ruled that he should be compulsorily admitted for examination at the Regional Security Post at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen for up to eight weeks. On Thursday, however, one of his defenders, Inger Zadig at Elden law firm, notified that this was no longer relevant. Matapour has now agreed to be examined with a defense attorney present. Matapour has also not wanted to be questioned by the police, all the time they want to make photo and audio recordings of the questioning. The police, for their part, say that this is absolutely central to Matapour’s legal security, but also to their own routines. It is still too early to say whether Matapour will want to be questioned by the police, Zadig tells news. On Friday, Enoksen cannot comment on how any questioning will take place.
