Stepping up the action – will block the Ministry of Finance – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

On Monday, their action led to employees at six ministries being advised to work from home. On Tuesday, they are announcing further demonstrations in the government quarter in Oslo. – We from the action group have news for you. Today we are not only closing the OED, the other ministries that share buildings, and the Ministry of Agriculture: today we are closing the state. Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen said so in a statement to the press through a megaphone at 07.30 on Tuesday morning. – Today we are not only closing the Ministry of Oil and Energy and the other ministries. Today we close the State, says Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen on behalf of the Sami campaigners. In recent days, she has spoken out on behalf of the campaigners from Nature and Youth and Norwegian Samirs Riksforbund Nuorat, who last night spent the night outside the Ministry of Oil and Energy (OED). Will block the Ministry of Finance – This is done by today closing down a new ministry, the Ministry of Finance. There’s a gang blocking the entrance, says Hætta Isaksen. Several shareholders have spent the night in the government quarters. Greta Thunberg is again in place to show her support. Photo: Emma Whittaker / news So far, news has not succeeded in getting in touch with the Ministries’ Security and Service Organization (DSS). DSS is responsible for security in the ministries, and it was they who on Sunday evening requested the police to remove 13 activists from inside the OED. According to NTB, the Ministry of Finance is urging its employees to home offices after the activists blocked the entrance. The news of a home office for the Ministry of Finance should have led to jubilation among the shareholders, according to news’s ​​reporter on the spot. DSS wrote yesterday in a statement that they believe the demonstration prevents ministry employees from doing their jobs. – Human rights violations must stop The background for the action is that over 500 days have passed since a judgment in the Supreme Court concluded that the wind turbines at Fosen violate the Sami’s indigenous rights. The judgment does not say that the windmills must be demolished. The campaigners have several different banners with slogans, and they shout battle cries in the government quarter. Photo: Emma Whittaker / news On Tuesday morning, Sami Parliament President Silje Karine Moutka was a guest on Nyhetsmorgen on news. – Human rights violations must stop and be repaired. It is very crucial, because it is the very heart of the matter. We cannot have such a situation, says Moutka. Hugs around the fire Jostein Tenøe Loe has spent the night in the government quarter. He says they are in good spirits. – It has gone well. It was a bit cold and some dogs were barking, but otherwise it has been a good sleep, he says to news. Loe says that they took turns sleeping and keeping watch. – I have good friends here from before, and have met new people. We are enjoying ourselves very much, we sat around the fire here last night. It was a very good atmosphere. The activists have warmed themselves on a fire pan through the night. Photo: Emma Whittaker / news He is taking part in the action because he thinks the state’s handling of the Fosen case is inappropriate. – There are ongoing violations of human rights, and an ongoing restriction of the Sami’s opportunity to practice their own culture, says Loe.
