– Stepping on the Jews who were killed in the Holocaust – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

During a press conference on Wednesday, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov came up with scathing criticism of the West and especially the United States. – The US, with Ukraine as its proxy, has started a war against our country with the same goal: a final solution to the Russian problem, Lavrov said. He compared the US to Hitler. – Just as Hitler wanted to find a solution to the Jewish question, the United States has created a coalition that is waging a proxy war against Russia. Lavrov claimed the US position is that “we do what we want when we want – until the end of the world. He also said that the EU has completely allowed itself to be cowed by the US. – Dismayed The allegations arouse strong reactions. – We are shocked and horrified by this shameful comparison between the actions of a coalition of democratic countries and Hitler’s persecution and murder of six million Jews. President of the European Jewish Congress, Ariel Muzicant, during a conference in 2018. Photo: HANS PUNZ / AFP This is what the president of the European Jewish Congress, Ariel Muzicant, says. He expects Lavrov to withdraw and apologize for the statements. – This is not the first time the minister has referred to the Holocaust and Hitler. This has to stop, he says. – At the same time that we soon mark the international Holocaust Remembrance Day, the memory of the victims must never be used in such a frightening way, he adds. – An unacceptable low point The EU’s foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell, says Lavrov’s statements are “completely out of place and disrespectful”. He believes the Russian is “stepping on the memory of six million Jews”. – The Russian regime is manipulating the truth to justify their illegal war against Ukraine. This has reached an unacceptable and miserable bottom. The EU’s foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell Photo: BARTEK SADOWSKI / AFP He says there is no parallel between the crimes of Nazi Germany and the international support for Ukraine. – Russia has invaded an independent neighboring country and kills civilians daily. The aim is to destroy the country and the Ukrainian nation, he says. It is not the first time that Lavrov has referred to Hitler and the Jews in his anti-Western statements. The 72-year-old has been accused of having anti-Semitic attitudes. Last May, Putin apologized to Israel after Lavrov claimed that Hitler had “Jewish blood” and that the biggest anti-Semites are Jews.
