– Stepped on for a year – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– I really feel that I have been stepped on for a whole year, says Caroline Graham Hansen to Viaplay after the WC match against Switzerland, where she was wrecked from the start. The match against Switzerland ended 0–0. This means that Norway can still advance from the group stage. But the Barcelona star reacted strongly after the game, where she only entered after 56 minutes. Many reactions It has caused a stir both in Norway and internationally that national team coach Hege Riise scrapped Barcelona star Caroline Graham Hansen from the start against Switzerland. The reactions started after news reported on the sensational wreck on Monday. Caroline Graham Hansen during the match against Switzerland. She was a substitute from the start. It caused a huge stir. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Now Graham Hansen opens up about his frustration. – People talk all the time about standing together as a team and standing together as a nation, but I really feel that, in the last year, I have only accepted. It’s not like you should get anything for free in this life. A certain respect I thought I had earned. It wasn’t like that, perhaps you have to look at yourself in the mirror and think less of myself. The Janteloven is strong in the country, says the player himself to Viaplay. – From whom do you feel this? – I will not go into who in the media. I think people are able to read between the lines what is happening and where the shoe is pressing. Harsh criticism Hege Riise was then confronted with the statements of Graham Hansen at the press conference after the draw against Switzerland. – “Caro” says that she has been trampled on for a whole year and that the Janteloven is strong. What do you think of those statements? – I don’t think I should comment on that. It will be at Caro’s expense, if she has said so. I haven’t heard it, so I can’t relate to it. There is no reaction to that, says Riise. Graham Hansen and national team coach Hege Riise at a press conference during the WC. Photo: SAEED KHAN / AFP The national team coach says there is nothing other than tactical reasons for the wreck. – I make a decision that is in the best interest of the team, that’s my job. I do it and stand for it, says Riise. The wrecking of the Norwegian star player caused news expert Carl-Erik Torp to take a heavy shot at the national team coach before the match. – If you fail to get a place for one of the world’s best players in his position on a Norwegian team, then you have already failed as a coach and manager. The strengths of Caro and the rest of our stars were to be exploited to the fullest was the answer we received before the championship. It is raw, wrote the news expert on Twitter on Monday morning. Caroline Graham Hansen together with Ada Hegerberg before the start of the match Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB In front of news, Graham Hansen also showed clear dissatisfaction after the match. – What was it like to be benched? – I think it goes without saying, says Graham Hansen to news. – What do you put in it? – I don’t know what to say about that. There is much I want to say and much has been said. There’s a lot you don’t agree with. That’s probably how it will always be. It is a shame that the jante law should be so strong in Norway. – What are you thinking about then? – I have no intention of elaborating anything further. Nobody benefits from washing dishes in the media, says Graham Hansen. – Do you feel that you are being punished for something you have done? – No comment. I have nothing to add. I don’t intend to create the wrong focus towards the last match. – How do you as a player react to that? Does a small f run through you? – As I said, I feel a little tied down, with my hands behind my back. No matter what I do and would do, it comes out badly. There is not much you can do. It’s a tough situation to be in when you’ve been involved for so long. People can probably say a lot about shape and so on, but I know that I’m in good shape and know what I deserve. I know what is the right way to use arguments for decisions you make. But as I said, I don’t get to do much with it, says Graham Hansen. Will not comment on Guro Reiten, on the Norwegian national team, says she leaves everything about withdrawals to the management. – I think that team selection is Hege’s job. We agree on the plan. We are doing our best to execute that plan. And I have nothing to do with who is on the pitch at any given time, says Reiten. Caroline Graham Hansen during the warm-up. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB But by then the match had already been characterized by unexpected drama. The other big star, Ada Hegerberg. left the pitch just before the start of the match. Feeling in the groin was stated as the reason why she chose to drop out of the match.
