Stepmother cannot be punished for fire damage – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary A stepmother is accused of gross abuse of her stepdaughter, who was barely two years old when she suffered second-degree burns on her hand. The public prosecutor believes the stepmother was behind it, but cannot prove it. After the trial, the public prosecutor believes that the evidence is only sufficient for a conviction for one episode of violence. The stepmother was alone with the girl when she collapsed during the evening bath. Examinations revealed a fractured skull, multiple hemorrhages in the head, retinal hemorrhages in both eyes, multiple bullets in the head and a second-degree burn on one hand. State Attorney Andreas Christiansen asks Vestfold District Court to sentence the woman to one year and three months in prison. The woman’s defender, lawyer Ole Petter Breistøl, demands a full acquittal. Almost three years after the hospital stay, the girl is completely healthy, says welfare lawyer Carina Wold. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. No one knows how the girl got the burn on her hand. The public prosecutor has believed that the stepmother was behind it, but is unable to prove it. One case of violence The fire damage was discovered by the father when the girl was sleeping. He wanted to check out the wound at the emergency room, but agreed with the stepmother to wait because the girl did not express that it hurt. During the trial it was suggested that the girl could have fallen against a fireplace. That theory was rejected as unlikely because the burn would then have been inside the hand. – The fire has some uncertainties surrounding the cause and who was present. Then it is my duty to file a claim for acquittal related to that damage, says state attorney Andreas Christiansen. State Attorney Andreas Christiansen believes that 15 months in prison is the right punishment for the accused stepmother. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / news State Attorney Andreas Christiansen believes that 15 months in prison is the right punishment for the accused stepmother. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / news The woman was initially accused of several cases of gross mistreatment of her stepdaughter in the days before she turned two. After the trial, the public prosecutor believes that the evidence is only sufficient for a conviction for one episode of violence. Life-threatening injuries However, it is about a very serious injury. A few days after the burn was discovered, the stepmother was alone with the girl when she collapsed during the evening bath. The child was unconscious when she was picked up by an ambulance and taken to hospital. The woman has said in six police interviews and during her statement in court that she has done nothing wrong to her stepdaughter. Examinations carried out at Oslo University Hospital revealed a fractured skull, several bleeds in the head, retinal bleeds in both eyes, several bullets in the head and second-degree burns on one hand. The injuries were potentially fatal if they had not been treated. Demands unconditional prison sentence State prosecutor Andreas Christiansen asks the Vestfold district court to sentence the woman to prison for one year and three months. No one has seen that the woman has been violent towards the girl, but the public prosecutor believes that the defendant was violent when she was alone with her stepdaughter. – We believe there is evidence that she has inflicted the extensive head injuries on the girl, says Christiansen to news. Asking for a full acquittal Lawyer Ole Petter Breistøl is the woman’s defender. He sees the evidence differently and asks the Vestfold district court to acquit her. – There is no evidence that my client has committed any act of violence. The case is only based on symptoms which the experts have interpreted in one direction, says Breistøl. The woman’s defender, lawyer Ole Petter Breistøl, believes there is no evidence that the defendant has exposed the child to violence. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / NRKK The woman’s defender, lawyer Ole Petter Breistøl, believes there is no evidence that the defendant has exposed the child to violence. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / news He also rejects the demand that the stepmother should pay compensation. The evidentiary requirements for compensation are not as strict as in criminal cases, but Breistøl believes it will be stigmatizing if the woman is sentenced to pay compensation. Completely healthy Jenta’s assistance lawyer, Carina Wold, leaves it up to the court to decide the size of the compensation. She says that the girl is doing well today and that she is completely healthy. – And that despite the extensive extent of damage that we have been proven in court, that she suffered both in the form of a fractured skull, lots of bruises and also a very serious burn, says Wold. Almost three years after the hospital stay, the girl is completely healthy, says welfare lawyer Carina Wold. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / news Before the trial ended, the defendant was asked if she had anything more to say. – Just that I stand by my explanation of what happened. I consider myself innocent. The last three years have been terrible. They have been a nightmare, says the woman, choking back tears. Judgment in the case will come at the end of September/October. Published 17.09.2024, at 17.48 Updated 17.09.2024, at 18.31
